[sci.electronics] Need part:

mark@stratix.UUCP (mark) (11/26/87)

	I recently steered someone towards the June 86 BYTE magazine
where they presented a schematic for a midi interface. They have tried
to build this interface but can'tt locate one of the parts they
need.  If someone on the net knows where to get this part, I would
be forever grateful.

	The part in question is an optoisolator, part #
		Sharp - PC-900
          xref: HP    - 6N138

	Please reply by email to ..!uunet!stratix!mark as I normally
don't read this newsgroup.


Mark Mullin @ Stratix Inc		6808 Dean Dr
..!uunet!stratix!mark			McLean,VA
+1 703 847 2046					22101