[sci.electronics] Appletalk Connectors

hovan@bgsuvax.UUCP (John Hovan) (01/12/88)

	Does anyone know what makes appletalk connectors special?  A few 
readings with an ohmmeter showed that the connectors are not merely a straight
though cable.  One possible explanation is that the box supplied with 
appletalk has an optically isolated circuit inside its 2" x 1" mysterious
box. Has anyuone been brave enough to open one of these boxes and solve the
mystery???  If you have, please let me know!  They cannot be complex since 
the appletalk hardware only uses 3 wires from the computers subminature
din-8 jack.

				John Hovan
				Bowling Green State University
				Hardware Support

matt@shorty.CS.WISC.EDU (Matt Schaefer) (01/18/88)

In article <1498@bgsuvax.UUCP> hovan@bgsuvax.UUCP (John Hovan) writes:
>	Does anyone know what makes appletalk connectors special?  A few 
>readings with an ohmmeter showed that the connectors are not merely a straight
>though cable.
I remember seeing schematics in a very recent issue of Computer Shopper of the
innards of Appletalk cables. It was definitely not a straight-through cable.
There was also a schematic of how to make a "cheater" cord if you only wanted
to connect two devices together. I'll have to wait until I get home to check
which issue.

Matt Schaefer                      ...!{harvard,ihnp4,rutgers,ucbvax}!uwvax!matt
UW-Madison Computer Sciences Laboratory                         matt@cs.wisc.edu

ephraim@think.COM (ephraim vishniac) (01/21/88)

In article <1498@bgsuvax.UUCP> hovan@bgsuvax.UUCP (John Hovan) writes:
>	Does anyone know what makes appletalk connectors special?  A few 
>readings with an ohmmeter showed that the connectors are not merely a straight
>though cable.  One possible explanation is that the box supplied with 
>appletalk has an optically isolated circuit inside its 2" x 1" mysterious
>box. Has anyuone been brave enough to open one of these boxes and solve the
>mystery???  If you have, please let me know!  They cannot be complex since 
>the appletalk hardware only uses 3 wires from the computers subminature
>din-8 jack.

I opened up an AppleTalk connector last year, and found an isolation
transformer and a trivial amount of wiring.  The connector box is
glued shut, but it's possible to open it without damaging the contents
by prying carefully all the way around the seam.  You'll undoubtedly
inflict some cosmetic damage, but not very much if you're careful.

BTW, bgsuvax complains that "hovan" is an unknown user!

Ephraim Vishniac					  ephraim@think.com
Thinking Machines Corporation / 245 First Street / Cambridge, MA 02142-1214