davidk@dartvax.UUCP (09/20/83)
I am currently attempting to develop a gaming system to either manage or manage and play simulation games such as those put out by Avalon Hill. (Pazer Blitz, Desert War, and the like.) The major question at this point is how to store a map and the associated units in memory in such a fashion that they may be easily manipulated and ligns-of-sight calculated. The system should permit the representation of natural and man made obstacles as well as troops, vehicles, and the like. The difference between a vehicle in a depression and a vehicle on the top of a hill must be clear somehow. There are obviously a lot more things that must be taken into account, but that is the general idea. If anyone has any ideas or knows of any good references on the subject I would like to hear them. Thank you. -David Kovar decvax!dartvax!davidk