Hello, this is an appeal for help from all you NetLanders out there, especially those in the USA. I am very interested in point-contact transistors and want to obtain some. About 1/2 million of them were made in the period 1948-1956, and even though most were sold to the military, quite a lot must have survived hidden in junk boxes and the like. To provide you with some incentive :-) to root around in your junk, I will buy any of these transistors which you can offer me, irrespective of their condition (you won't get rich, though!). Here's a list of all the point-contact types which I know were manufactured - if you've got any of these, PLEASE let me know. If you have any data sheets for these, please let me know. If you know ANYTHING AT ALL about these devices, or know of any other point-contact types, I would like to hear from you. Please pass on this message to anyone that you think might have any ancient transistorized equipment or components. Thanks in advance for any help that you can offer, Andrew. - ------------------------------------------------------------ Andrew Wylie, University of London Computer Centre, 20 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1DZ, England. uucp: arpa: BITNET: JANET: If all else fails and you can't reach me by e-mail, airmail is actually quite fast and reliable! - ------------------------------------------------------------ My list of ALL(!) the point-contact transistors ever made Amperex OC50, OC51 CBS-Hytron PT-2A, PT-2S General Electric G11, G11A, SX4A, Z2, 2N30, 2N31 Hydro-Aire A-0, A-1, A-2, A-3, S-0, S-1, S-2 Nat'l Union Electr T18A, T18B Radio Receptor R1698, R1729, R1734 Raytheon CK716 RCA 2N32, 2N33, TA165K, TA166, TA172 Sprague Electric 5A, 2N159 Sylvania 2N32, 2N33, 3N21(tetrode!) Texas Instruments 100, 101, 102, 103 Transistor Products 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H, 2L 2N32, 2N33, 2N50, 2N51, 2N52, 2N53 Western Electric 2A, 3A(photodiode), A1698, A1723, A1729, A1768, AN2891 2N21, 2N21A, 2N22, 2N23, 2N24, 2N25, 2N26 2N67, 2N110 Bell Labs BL115, M1689, M1698, M1729, M1734, M1768, M1832 1698, 1729, 1734, 1768 Westinghouse WX3347, WX4811, WX4812 Unknown 2N72 GEC (England) EW51, EW61, GET1, GET2 LCT (France) 3698, 3768 Mullard (England) OC50, OC51 SAF (Germany) VS220 STC (England) LS737, TP1, TP2, 3X/100N, 3X/101N ------- End of Forwarded Message