[sci.electronics] Upcomming Ham Radio/Electronics Flea Markets, East Coast Area

ewb@raybed2.UUCP (EUGENE BALINSKI) (02/04/89)

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* PAGE 1 *                                                   * WINTER  EVENTS  *
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                     INFORMATION AS OF 23 JAN 1989

             !!!!!!!!!! INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE !!!!!!!!!!
CLUB: Algonquin Radio Club		EVENT: Flea Market
PLACE: Marlboro Middle School		DATE: 18 Feb. 1989 (SAT)
DEALER SETUP: 0800			OPEN TO PUBLIC: 1000 to 1500
ADMISSION: $2.00			TABLE PRICES: $8.00 and $10.00 at door
TALK-IN: 146.61/.01 and .52 direct	REFRESHMENTS: Yes
OTHER NOTES: Note the change in day.  SAT. instead of SUN. The flea market will
be held at the Marlboro Middle School off Trhesher Street.  There is supposed
to be more room this year.  For more info call KB1WW at 508-481-1587.  Make
checks payable to Algonquin Amateur Radio Club, P.O. box 258, Marlboro Ma. 01752
CLUB: Mt. Tom Amateur Radio Club	EVENT: Flea Market
PLACE: Smith Vocational High School	DATE: 05 March 1989 (SUN)
DEALER SETUP: 0700			OPEN TO PUBLIC: 0900 until 1400
ADMISSION: $2.00			TABLE PRICES: $10 in advance $12 at door
TALK-IN: 146.940 146.52 223.28		REFRESHMENTS: Yes
OTHER NOTES: New Location Smith Vocational High School Northampton Ma.on
RT-9 west of I-91.  VEC exams 1000, walk-ins accepted.  For more info contact
Bob WB1EQS days at 413-532-6411 or Mickey N1CDR, nights at 413-562-1027. For
reservations by mail write MTARA flea market/M1CDR. 6 Laurel Terrace, Westfield,
Ma. 01085
CLUB: South Shore Amateur Radio Club	EVENT: INDOOR FLEA MARKET
PLACE: Viking Club			DATE: 09 April (sun)
ADMISSION: $1.00			TABLE PRICES: $10.00 in advance
TALK-IN: 146.07/.67 146.52		REFRESHMENTS: Yes
OTHER NOTES: The viking club is at 410 Qunncy Ave. (Rt 53) East Braintree
Ma. (Next to the Quintree mall)  Tables are $12.00 at the door if there
are any available. Make checka payable to South Shore Amateur Radio Club
and send to Hal Jones WB1ABM, 48 Saning Rd. N. Weymouth Ma. 02191.
for more info call Hal at 617-335-5777.
CLUB: Framingham ARA			EVENT: Flea Market
PLACE: Framingham Civic league building	DATE: 09 April (SUN)
DEALER SETUP: 0800 to 1000		OPEN TO PUBLIC: 1000
ADMISSION: $2.00			TABLE PRICES: $12 for a six foot table
OTHER NOTES: Early Bird admission $5.00 for the first 100 people.  For more
info contact Jon  at 508-877-7166.  The Civic center is at 214 Concord street
(RT 126) Framingham Mass.  From Rt 128 go west on Rt 9 .  From I-495 go east
on Rt 9, take Rt 126 south towards downtown Framingham about 2 miles.  After
the traffic signal near Dunkin Donuts the Civic League is the second and
third buildings on the right.

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* PAGE 2 *                                                   * SPRING  EVENTS  *
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CLUB: IRS (Interstate Repeater Socity)	EVENT: FLEA MARKET
PLACE: Lions Hall, Hudson, N.H.		DATE: 15 April 1989
TALK-IN: 146.850 and 224.460		REFRESHMENTS: YES
OTHER NOTES: Contact Wayne, KA1MKH  at 603-895-9033
CLUB: MIT Electronics Research Society	EVENT: FLEA MARKET
PLACE:Albany and Main Streets		DATE: 16 April 1989
ADMISSION: $1.50			TABLE PRICES: $6.00 per space at gate
TALK-IN: 146.52,449.725/444.725		REFRESHMENTS: ??
OTHER NOTES: The Fleamarket is held at Albany and Main streets in Cambridge
Mass. There is Tailgate room for over 150 sellers. In the event of rain, covered
tailgate area available for all sellers (clearance 6'8").  The event runs from
0900 until 1600.  FREE off street parking for more than 500 Cars. Seller's
space is $5.00 in advance (before 1 April 1989)  Make Checks payable to the
MIT RADIO SOCIETY.  For more info contact W1GSL P.O. Box 82, MIT Branch
Cambridge, Ma. 02139.
CLUB: Dayton Hamvention			EVENT: Hamvention
PLACE: HARA Arena, Dayton, Ohio	        DATE: 28,29 and 30 April 1989
DEALER SETUP: Friday			OPEN TO PUBLIC: 28 April at 1200
ADMISSION: $10.00 in adv. $12		TABLE PRICES: $25 for one space
OTHER NOTES: Tables are $2. for one, $50 for two adjacent and $150 for three
adjacent. There is a maximum of three spaces per person (non-transferable).
There are no spaces sold at the gate.  General info 513-433-7720 or P.O. box
2205, Dayton, Ohio. For lodging info. call 513-223-2612.  There are no lodging
reservations by phone.  For more lodging info write Lodging, Dayton Hamvention,
Chamber plaza, 5th and Main Streets, Dayton, Ohio. 45402.
     CLUB: Wellesley ARS			EVENT: Tailgate Flea Market
     PLACE: Wellesley High School		DATE: 30 APRIL 1989 (SUN)
     ADMISSION: $2 sellers + buyers
     TALK-IN: 147.03		REFRESHMENTS: available
     OTHER NOTES: N2AWG @ 508-875-2126

        *** Note the change of Date ***

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* PAGE 3 *                                                   *  FALL   EVENTS  *
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*              NEW ENGLAND'S BIGGEST HAM RADIO FLEA MARKET                    *


  PLACE: Deerfield, N.H.              DATE: 03 JUN. 1989(SAT)
  DEALER SETUP: Anytime               OPEN TO PUBLIC: All night Friday & Sat.
  ADMISSION: $5.00(buyer or seller)   TABLE PRICES: NO EXTRA CHARGE
  TALK-IN: 146.40/147.00 or .52       REFRESHMENTS: LOTS (The usual bunch)
THIS YEAR IN DEERFIELD.  The Hoss Traders Tailgate Swapfest (Deerfield) will
be held at the Deerfield Fairgrounds, Deerfield, N.H. on 3 June 1988.
All info is the same as it was before when the event was held at Deerfield
before.  There will be Friday night camping, but no camp fires are allowed.
Use of the buildings is not permitted unless you have a receipt from the
owner of the building.

**NOTICE** that the date is different than the usual day before Mothers day.
The Fall date is now set for the Saturday after the Deerfield Fair, unless
there are problems. Admission is $5.00 for sellers or buyers. The Fairground
opens at 1600 on Friday.

If all goes well we will be in Deerfield on the day before Mothers Day in 1990
as usual.  If Not, we will be looking again.

There will be a "special" dumpster for metal this year.  The chief complaints
were about unauthorized use of the buildings and campfires, if we can manage
these,  we will be back in Deerfield for the foreseeable future.

     CLUB: Foundation for Amateur Radio	EVENT: FLEA MARKET
     PLACE: Gaithersburg, MD			DATE: 10 SEP.1989 (SUN)
     DEALER SETUP: Sat Night is avail.	OPEN TO PUBLIC: 0700
     ADMISSION: $5.00 (buyers)		TABLE PRICES $16.00 by 31 Jan 1989
     TALK-IN: 146.52 and 146.04/.63		REFRESHMENTS  YES
     OTHER NOTES: The event is held at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds in
     Gaithersburg, Maryland. Table prices are $20.00 at the door, tailgating
     is $7.00(1988 price). Setup may start on Saturday 9 Sep. 1989.
     For more info contact Bob Moore N3CKD, P.O. Box 1068, Laurel, Md.

If anyone has information about upcoming events, please send it to John Roberts
5 Christina Rd., Merrimack,N.H. 03054 so I can add it to the list.  A copy of
[this list may be obtained by sending an S.A.S.E. to the above Address.

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* INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE *                   * LAST UPDATE 17 Jan  1989 *
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