(Mark Starin CSS Doc. Services 264-5596) (02/20/89)
Here's the address (as of 1984 anyway - I doubt if they've moved) for the Antique Wireless Association (AWA) in Holcomb, NY: Antique Wireless Association Holcomb, NY 14469 The museum was located right on US 20 which runs straight thru beautiful downtown Holcomb. 73, Mark KB1KJ P.S. If you don't have a schematic for the 9-BX-5, I have one that is pretty close. ***************STANDARD DISCLAIMER APPLIES******************** ______________________________________________________________ Mark Starin KB1KJ US NAVY RADIOMEN DO IT Digital Equipment Corp. WITH MORE FREQUENCY Merrimack, NH (603)-884-5596 DECWRL::"!starin" ______________________________________________________________