ART100@PSUVM.BITNET (Andy Tefft) (05/22/89)
I'm trying to adopt some models for some high power semiconductor devices from HSPICE running on a VAX to PSpice on an IBM PC. I've been having some trouble with the transistor parameters, some of which seem very important (the device doesn't seem to work for us while it worked fine in HSPICE). I had nothing to do with the original HSPICE version and have never used it, so can anyone help me with some parameter definitions for HSPICE? In particular, what are IBC and IBE for the BJT models, and BV for the diode? Is the normal spice parameter VB equivalent to BV? Are there equivalents for IBC and IBE in regular SPICE? Basically, word definitions for the parameters should be very helpful, these I can compare with the descriptions in the PSpice and SPICE manuals. Apparently HSPICE is geared toward semiconductor applications and allows some more detailed paramaters. Please reply by email if possible. Andy Tefft art100@psuvm.bitnet