(Paula Ferris) (05/23/89)
Story: Once apon a time, the company I currently work for used a product called "People Finder" by Motorola. It is a personal pager system, that was used to keep Project Organizers advailble while in other areas of the rather large complex. It is a 4 Watt system that allows Beep Only, Display, and voice pagers. We only have the Display type, I know it supports these other functions by tuning it in on one of my scanners. Problem: Documentation. This thing was thrown into starage for about a year, and it was lost. It also has a passcode to set some parameters, and an rs232 port, and smaller 15 pin port labled "Alarm" and a RJ11 Phone jack. I can't firure these out. I tried hooking it to the machine here, and got nothing, tried hooking it up and calling it, did nothing....Not to mention I still don't have the passcode. All I got from Motorola was a 15 minute conversation with a Bubble Headed Sec. "Oh no sir, we have no record of those here." To which I replied, "Where would you have a record of it?" The reply came basically stating, "If it ain't here, it doesn't exist." Well hell, I'm lucky to have something that doesn't exist. Does anyone out there have any information on this? I'm begging.... -- UUCP: (cbosgd, hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax, nosc)!crash!(pnet01!)guhsd000 ARPA: crash! INET: guhsd000@crash.CTS.COM CIS : 73717,226 ICBM: 32 60' N 117 00' W (Close Enough) "Mother, Should I trust the goverment?" -Roger Waters (From Pink Floyd: The Wall [Mother])