[net.wanted] Indian character sets wanted

riddle@ut-sally.UUCP (09/22/83)

Does anyone out there have any routines and/or data files for printing
Indian scripts?  I am primarily interested in Devanagari (Hindi, Sanskrit,
etc.) and Gujarati scripts, but (if only for curiosity's sake) I'll take
what I can get.  The only specific purpose I have in mind right now is to
write a simple CAI program for learning the characters.

It may very well be that there is a standard reference work containing
raster representations of various Indian character sets.  If so, I'd be
happy to receive a pointer to it.

As usual, please reply by mail.  Thanks!

                                    -- Prentiss Riddle

chip@dartvax.UUCP (10/17/83)

Several groups in India have worked on devanagari character
displays.  In fact, televison monitors in the Delhi airport use both
roman script and devanagari.

The problem is quite complicated, since adjacent consonants are
merged together to form new characters.  Thus there are many
different characters, and some are quite complicated--they require
many scan lines.

Two groups in particular have worked on this problem in the past;
I'm sure they'd send you papers.  I don't know the researchers'
names but try:

     Tata Institute for Fundamental Research
     Bombay, India

or   Computer Centre
     Indian Institute of Technology
     Kanpur, UP     India