[sci.electronics] Dynaco Help

ericd (Eric Davis ericd@sco.COM) (11/19/89)

I bought a couple of tube goodies at a flea market, and I am looking for
advise and schematics.

Case #1:
	Dynaco(Dynakit)PAS-2 Stereo Tube driven Pre-amp.
	Seems that there are two blown resistors on the ground
	side of the main output(to amp). Seems strange to be on the
	ground side.. (P.S. 1 per ch)

Case #2:
	Dynaco(Dynakit) Stereo 70 Tube Amp.
	Also seems that 2 resistors on the input side are blown on the
	ground. This might explain the pre-amp damage as well.
	When I say on the input side, I mean, the ground that off of
	the RCA jack, from the signal, in has a wire that goes to the AMPS
	preamp board. The wire is tied to a side of a resistor, and that
	resistor is blown, both the left and right channel. Everything seems
	to light up when I plugged it in. I heard the faint sound of hiss
	from speakers that were connected to it. So I feel that the mains
	are up and functioning.

Case #3:
	Harmon Kardon A230 Integrated pre/amp.
	Seems well enough, just needs new tubes.

Enter the questions:
     i) Where can I find schematics for these beast? If someone has them I
	would pay for copies, postage, and time.
    ii) Is it worth the time to rebuild the Dynaco. I have heard a little
	about these amps, but not enough. I would like to completely rebuild
	this pre/amp up with new caps, resistors with tighter tolerances.
	This is assuming that I can find schematics.
   iii) What are good manufacturers of caps, resistors, tubes, and of
	course wire, sockets...

Thanks for any input, and if you have any schematics (or own one of these)
please contact me.

  Eric Davis				The Santa Cruz Operation
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                            		P.O. Box 1900
  +1(408)425-7222 x5693 (Voice)         Santa Cruz, CA 95061	
  +1(408)427-5443 (Fax,Support)
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