(S. Koh) (11/30/89)
Hello all, Once more I am here posting for information regarding a CAP mod for a Heathkit HWS-24HT dual band radio. Last time, the only mail that I received, and lots of it, were questions asking about the radio. Well, needless to say we are still looking for the CAP modification or the radio. I understand from the helpful people at Zenith (how about it any of you guys reading this??) that it involves inserting a diode and pressing a key sequence into the radio. Does this sound correct? Anyone have any other ideas? Anyone know the key sequence? Lastly, I seem to be receiving mail instructing me to ask Mr. Parnass; so here it goes. . . Mr. Parnass do you have any ideas, thoughts, etc.? Thank you all, and please keep responding directly to my email address of: