markbl@cbnewse.ATT.COM (mark.s.blumenthal) (03/21/90)
A T T E N T I O N H O M E A U T O M A T I O N H A C K E R S *** Information on CEBus, SMARTHOUSE, X-10, etc. Home Automation. *** I will send you above info via e-mail or paper mail. In return I ask that you complete this short survey: I am interested in home automation as a: (please check all that apply) __ End user __ Start-up company (part-time) __ Start-up company (full-time) __ Existing home automation company __ Potential home automation start-up company Send me the completed survey plus your NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, and E-MAIL ADDRESS. Send e-mail or paper mail to: att!ihlpb!markb Mark Blumenthal 30W 080 Glenhurst Court Warrenville, IL 60555
ries@venice.SEDD.TRW.COM (Marc Ries) (03/22/90)
In article <13680@cbnewse.ATT.COM> markbl@cbnewse.ATT.COM (mark.s.blumenthal) writes: > > A T T E N T I O N H O M E A U T O M A T I O N H A C K E R S > > *** Information on CEBus, SMARTHOUSE, X-10, etc. Home Automation. *** > >I will send you above info via e-mail or paper mail. In return I ask that you >complete this short survey: > I am interested in home automation as a: (please check all that apply) XX End user __ Start-up company (part-time) __ Start-up company (full-time) __ Existing home automation company XX Potential home automation start-up company Send me the completed survey plus your NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, and E-MAIL ADDRESS. Send e-mail or paper mail to: att!ihlpb!markb Mark Blumenthal 30W 080 Glenhurst Court Warrenville, IL 60555 Marc Ries 280 Paseo Picaro Anaheim, CA 92807-2321 (714) 921-2969 (H) (ARPA) somewhere!trwind!venice!ries (UUCP) -- Marc Ries (ARPA) somewhere!trwind!venice!ries (UUCP) #include <std.disclaimer>
ries@venice.SEDD.TRW.COM (Marc Ries) (03/22/90)
Sorry folks for that last response, but I hit "F" instead of "R" (and "C"ancel doesn't work). Well, at least since you know my address now, stop by for a visit some time 8-)! -- Marc Ries (ARPA) somewhere!trwind!venice!ries (UUCP) #include <std.disclaimer>