[sci.electronics] Would like info on good mail order stores

grx1042@uoft02.utoledo.edu (Steve Snodgrass) (07/20/90)

Anyone have recommendations on some good mail order places?  I need a few ADCs,
op-amps, and various other things for some hardware I'd like to build.  Phone
numbers and other info appreciated.   Thanks.
 Steve Snodgrass - Ph'ran |SUBTEC - Student Union Board Technical Services|
Green Rider of Telgar Weyr|Turbosound - the only way to fly.    TMS-4     |
GRX1042@uoft02.utoledo.edu|"It had limited capability, with a mere hundred|
GRX1042@uoft02.BITNET     | thousand gigabytes of RAM" -Jack L. Chalker   |
"Who explains the dreams we know/Carry us through from day to day" -me