(M. Scott Dewey) (08/20/90)
Hi folks, Recently I've been called upon to use printed circuit board software (PC/TANGO, a commercial product in this case). I've learned that the procedure using this software involves three steps: first a schematic is entered from which a net list is generated; second, the board is outlined and components placed on the board; and third, a router takes the board and net list and attempts to route the connections. Whatever connections aren't made by the router are finally done by hand. I suspect this procedure is pretty familiar to those who commonly use such programs. Unfortunately we're missing the software for the first part of the procedure (the schematic capture program) which generates the simple ascii file (or net list) listing groups of pins that are connected. Of course such a list can be entered manually using an editor. In looking at what's available on the simtel archives, the following programs caught my eye: Directory PD1:<MSDOS.CAD> Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== AUTOSK13.ARC B 109245 890821 Drawing pgm optimized for schematics (DEMO) EDRAW32.ARC B 132096 881017 Electronics drawing CAD PCB.ARC B 127508 890325 Small PC board CAD pgm w/'C' src, 286 only PCCD205.ARC B 252194 891221 PC-Draft-CAD drawing/drafting CAD pgm, v2.05 PCROUTE2.ZIP B 104499 900413 Computer aided design, printed circuit boards PSPICE.ARC B 590622 880507 Electronic circuit design aid, limited demo I would be interested in hearing about any experiences people have had with any of these programs. I'm especially interested in finding out whether any of these programs is particularly good at prompting for a schematic and generating a net list. Thanks! -- NAME: Dr. M. Scott Dewey TELE: (301) 975-4843 DIVISION: Quantum Metrology INTERNET: USMAIL: NIST (formerly NBS) BITNET: msd@nbsenh Rm. A-141, Bldg. 221 Gaithersburg, MD 20899