[sci.electronics] SAM Serial Access Memory

logajan@ns.network.com (John Logajan) (08/21/90)

WANTED:  Multi-ported SAM (Serial Access Memory/Video DRAM) chip with the
         following features:

       o Two SAM ports (rather than a SAM and a DRAM port.)

       o FAST (30 ns per SAM I/O operation.)

       o BIG (Fractions of a meg)

       o A third DRAM port would be a nice feature.

Does such a beast exist?

Finding it would make me a hero, my company millions of dollars, and earn
you a nice big goose-egg :-)

- John Logajan @ Network Systems; 7600 Boone Ave; Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
- logajan@ns.network.com, john@logajan.mn.org, 612-424-4888, Fax 424-2853