[net.wanted] Ether package wanted

hope@gatech.UUCP (11/17/83)

For the purpose of connecting a VAX 11/780 (VMS) to a SUN (4.1cBSD), I
am looking for a TCP/IP protocol software package which will run on the
VAX.  It must be compatible with DECNet and use the DEC supplied device
drivers for the DEUNA ethernet controller.  Either a finished product
or source code would be appreciated.
Theodore Hope
School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA
CSNet:	Hope @ GaTech		ARPA:	Hope.GaTech @ CSNet-Relay
uucp:	...!{akgua,allegra,rlgvax,sb1,unmvax,ut-ngp,ut-sally}!gatech!Hope