[sci.electronics] Any Micro-C users?

psfales@cbnewsc.att.com (Peter Fales) (10/17/90)

I have recently come across a product which I believe would be of fairly
wide interest to the readers of this group.  Micro-C is a shareware C
compiler which includes complete source code for the 8086, 6809, 68HC11,
and 8080 microcomputers for only $25.00.  It is designed to be easily
portable to other microcomputers, and seems well designed to do this.

My reasons for posting this note are twofold:  1)  Make other people
aware of a product they may be interested in, and 2)  find out if
anyone has done a code generator for the 8051.  I have started on
the latter project and it appears doable, but I don't want to reinvent
the wheel if it has already been done.  If you are working on an 8051
code generator or are interested in my results, please contact me.

I have attached the author's "catalog" below.   I hope this isn't too
commercial for the net, but I have no connection with Dave Dunfield
other than as a satisfied user (and since I have only had the product
for two days I haven't evaluated it too heavily).  I truly believe
that the information below will be of interest to a significant number
of people.

Peter Fales			AT&T, Room 5B-420
N9IYJ            		2000 N. Naperville Rd.
UUCP:	...att!ihlpb!psfales	Naperville, IL 60566
Domain: psfales@ihlpb.att.com	work:	(708) 979-8031

                    ** Catalog revised 15-Aug-90 **

    Here is a list of software/firmware products which I currently have

    Prices listed are for a single user licence. Upon receipt of a product
order or registration with the appropriate payment, the user named on the
licence agreement will be granted permission to use that product as set out
in the terms and conditions of the licence agreement.

    Anyone placing any order or registration will receive a current edition
of this catalog, reflecting new products and revisions. You may also obtain
a new catalog at any time by sending me a self addressed, stamped envelope.

    You may order an update (on disk) for any product which you have already
registered or purchased at a nominal update fee. If this fee is included in
the original order or registration, you will receive the current release of
the product at that time.

    Registered users may also order high quality laser printed copies of the
manual(s) for a nominal fee. These may be ordered separately, or in addition
to a registration or update.

    Please send all correspondence to:

            Dave Dunfield
            56 Burnetts Grove Circle,
            Nepean, Ont. (Canada)
            K2J 1N6
PCUTIL: A collection of utility programs for the IBM P.C:

        - Text editor supporting full screen visual and line by line modes
        - Visual directory/command shell
        - Visual hexidecimal file editor
        - Multiple string search of file/directory/directory tree
        - Execute commands with arguments on files/directory/directory tree
        - Retabulate file to different tab stops
        - Directory tree scan for file consistancy check (detect changes)
        - Easily change ANY attributes of file(s).
        - Text formatter featuring simple ASCII output. Suitable for
          documents which are to be distributed on disk.
        - +++More+++
    Current rev : 1.2
    Registration: $10
    Update fee  : $5
    Printed docs: $5
XASM:   A collection of cross assemblers and associated utility programs.

        - Includes 6800, 6801/6803, 6805, 6502, 6809, 68HC11, 8051 and
          8080/8085 cross assemblers.
        - Output files in either INTEL or MOTOROLA hex format
        - Includes MACRO,   a powerful macro pre-processor
        - Includes CREF,    a utility for cross-referencing assembler source
        - Includes PSOURCE, a utility for protecting distributed source code
        - Includes HEXFMT,  a utility which performs many useful functions
          on the output code file, Including:
            - Calculate checksums over all or part of code file
            - Reformat output record type (INTEL/MOTOROLA) & length.
            - Change base and load address of code image
            - Control number of consecutive $FF (unprogrammed) bytes
              written to output file
    Current rev : 1.2
    Registration: $10
    Update fee  : $5
    Printed docs: $5
DLM:    Data Line Monitor. Turns your P.C. into a DATASCOPE.

        This program monitors both sides of an asynchronous data communications
        line using a passive "Y" cable which connects to the monitored devices
        and BOTH comm ports (COM1 and COM2). This tool is invaluable for
        debugging ANY asynchronous connection, such as TERMINALS, MODEMS,
        SERIAL PRINTERS and PROTOCOL debugging. It allows you to actually SEE
        the data and signals being passed between the devices.
        - Easy to use menu driven interface.
        - "Split Line" display for easy viewing of the interaction
          between two devices. Display is updated in "real time".
        - Over 50 screens may be "buffered" and reviewed later.
        - Displays/Stores hardware signal information as well as all
          data passed between the devices.
        - Captured buffers may be saved to disk for later reference.
        - Includes directions for constructing your own "Y" cable.
    Current rev : 1.2
    Registration: $10
    Update fee  : $5
    Printed docs: $5
MICRO-C: Small 'C' compiler/utilities with source & documentation

        A portable small 'C' environment including Compiler, PreProcessor,
        Optimizer and libraries. This is an original work, and is NOT "Yet
        another version" of the existing public domain Small-C.
        - LOTS of documentation & complete source code is included.
        - VERY portable, not designed around a specific processor.
        - Includes code generators for 8080, 8086, 6809 and 68HC11.
        - 8080, 6809 and 68HC11 code generators are compatible with
          my shareware cross assemblers.
        - Includes source code for useful examples programs, including
          a pop-up (TSR) ANSI terminal with XMODEM.
    Current rev : 2.0
    Order fee   : $25 (Includes two diskettes)
    Update fee  : $10
    Printed Docs: $20
CUBIX:  A complete Disk Operating System for the 6809.

        Includes a full complement of utility and application programs. The
        main kernal of the operating system along with its imbedded command
        processor and user supplied hardware drivers are designed to occupy
        a single 8K (2764 type) ROM at the very top of the 6809 processor
        memory map (From $E000 to $FFFF). The architecture is such that
        systems with a standard memory map may be ported directly from a
        ROM image.
        - VERY portable architecture.
        - Many built in and utility commands.
        - Includes powerful terminal independant screen oriented window
          editor and other full screen utilities.
        - Includes Assembler (Compatible with PC shareware XASM (ASM09) and
          MICRO-C 6809 code generator), and debugger featuring disassemble,
          breakpoints & software single step.
        - Includes MICRO-APL and MICRO-FORTH languages.
        - Includes 8080 emulator.
        - Over 100 built in (kernal) system calls for I/O, parameter passing,
          output formatting & misc. functions.
        - LOTS of documentation, example files, drivers etc.
    Current REV : 1.3
    Registration (ROM+PROGRAM images): $10
    *Licence 1 ("porting" sources )  : $50
    *Licence 2 ("Complete" sources)  : $250
        ** The Shareware system assumes the following   **
        ** System memory map:                           **
        **      $0000-$1FFF - User supplied I/O devices **
        **      $2000-$DFFF - System RAM                **
        **      $E000-$FFFF - Operating system ROM      **
        ** The "Licence 1" and "Licence 2" packages are **
        ** NOT shareware.  The software will be sent to **
        ** you when your order is processed. See "Terms **
        ** and conditions" number (2) on the order form **
    Printed docs (11 Manuals)     : $25
    Update fee  : $5/$10/$25
    Schematic for simple shareware compatible system: $5
EPROM:  Stand-Alone EPROM programmer.

        This package includes the necessary schematics, firmware and
        documentation to construct a complete stand alone EPROM programmer.
        - Supports 2716, 2732, 2764, 27128 and 27256 type devices.
        - Controlled by keypad/LED display, or over remote serial link.
        - On-Board memory for loading, editing and re-programming.
        - Download INTEL or MOTOROLA hex file to program in rom.
        - Upload ROM contents in INTEL or MOTOROLA hex format.
        - Includes detailed contruction & user manuals, schematics,
          and firmware ROM.
    Current rev : 1.2
    Order fee   : $15 (Includes ROM, Schematics & manual)
    Update fee  : $10   ""  ""  ""  ""  ""  ""  ""  ""
                *** Product Order/Registration Form ***

    Name:       ______________________________________

    Address:    ______________________________________



    Product Name:   __________________________________

    Terms and conditions:

    (1) In the case of "Shareware" products, You are granted limited
        permission to re-distribute the product provided that no part
        of it is changed or deleted, and that nothing is added to it.
        Furthermore, it must be re-distributed in its original form,
        and no fee in excess of $10 may be charged for the distribution

    (2) In the case of "Non-Shareware" products, You may not sell, give
        away or otherwise re-distribute all or any part of the product in
        any form whatsoever. You are permitted to make backup copies of
        the disks, for your own personal use only.

    (3) You agree to use the product entirely at your own risk, and will
        indemnify and hold harmless its author and distributers against
        any action resulting from use of the product. The author and
        distributors of the product do not warrant it fit or suitable
        for any particular purpose.

    I _________________________ certify the information entered on this
form to be true, and agree to abide by the above terms and conditions
which I hereby acknowlege that I have read and understood.

    Dated this ______ day of _________________ in the year ______.

                                    Signed: ______________________
Peter Fales			AT&T, Room 5B-420
N9IYJ            		2000 N. Naperville Rd.
UUCP:	...att!ihlpb!psfales	Naperville, IL 60566
Domain: psfales@ihlpb.att.com	work:	(708) 979-8031