[sci.electronics] Power Glove, part 4

pepke@gw.scri.fsu.edu (Eric Pepke) (11/01/90)

The Spine-Chilling Saga of the Power Glove, Part 4

Since my last installment, I have done three things: gotten the switching 
power supply in the knuckle box to work, played with the fingers some 
more, and gotten a range counter to work.

Reminder: The knuckle box has a 40 V switching power supply, controlled by 
a violet line that you kick and a gray line that returns about 2 V at high 
impedance when the voltage is right.

Noticing that the 2 V that the feedback wire returns is amazingly close to 
the threshold I remember for TTL, I ran it through an emitter follower 
through an inverter into one input of an AND gate.  I chose a grounding 
resistor of a few K, which works fine with LS, but standard TTL requires a 
bit lower resistance.  Into the other side of the AND gate I put the 
ultrasonic frequency, which I have pretty much decided should be 50 KHz.  
(A lower frequency, such as 25 KHz, isn't enough to get the voltage up 
beyond 16 V or so.)  I used the output to drive the violet line.  The 
result?  The voltage in the knuckle box stayed at 40 V on the nose.  

I did some more playing around with the resistive elements in the fingers. 
 In the Power Glove, each resistance forms the top half of a voltage 
divider, with a 33K resistor to ground.  I just hooked up the ohmmeter on 
the 1K setting to one of the fingers and played with it.  The amount of 
precision that one can get is really quite good.  The active range of the 
element extends from as far back as I can push my finger with my other 
hand (in my case about 80 degrees at the base) to as far as I can flex my 
finger.  Bending very carefully and slowly, one can make very fine 
adjustments to the resistance.  Clenching and unclenching the fingers 
rapidly does not appear to affect the endpoints very much.

Each of the three ultrasonic recievers in the Power Glove goes through 
some circuitry to a TTL-compatible output.  This is normally high when the 
reciever is quiet.  When the reciever is going, the output goes down and 
up at some frequency, which I think is 50 KHz.  It's not really important, 
because all you need is the first downward transition.  

I breadboarded a circuit to count the range.  Once every second, it 
emitted a half-second burst of 50 KHz through one of the transmitters.  
When the burst started, a couple of decade counters started incrementing 
at 50 KHz.  When the first downward transition was detected, they stopped. 
 This, theoretically, should have given me about a half centimeter 

My reasoning for using 50 KHz was that it would give me precision of about 
the wavelength of the sound.  I really have no idea whether this is a good 
theoretical limit or not.  One could argue that the ultrasonic reciever 
needs a couple of cycles before it gets up to speed, so it might be.  One 
could also argue that the number of cycles it needs to get up to speed 
should be constant, perhaps to a precision of a small fraction of a cycle.

The recievers are VERY picky about their resonant frequency.  If the 
transmitter isn't right on, the probability that a burst will kick the 
reciever is quite low.  It was difficult to tune the 20 turn pot to the 
right frequency, and even when it was hit, there was enough drift to muck 
it up after a while.  When I get more breadboards, I'll have to try it 
with a crystal clock rather than a 555.

Nevertheless, when I managed to get it close, I got some good numbers.  
The best I could tune it, I got maybe nine hits out of ten.  Although it 
was hard to check using my setup, it seemed to be quite accurate and 
precise.  With a little software heuristics to eliminate big misses and 
some low-pass filtering, it should be perfectly adequate as a virtual 
reality controller.

I am busy accumulating the parts for the Motorola MPU programmer.  I think 
it will be fine for the job, presuming I can remember enough about 
asynchronous serial communication to program that part of the processor.  
It's an order of magnitude more fiddly than programming an 8251 or Z-80 
SIO or something like that.

One thing I do not like at all about the Power Glove is that the pad over 
the knuckles on the inside seems to be made out of a space-age synthetic 
equivalent of what medieval monks used for shirts.  In order to endure it, 
I think I'll have to get a raquetball glove or something.

Eric Pepke                                    INTERNET: pepke@gw.scri.fsu.edu
Supercomputer Computations Research Institute MFENET:   pepke@fsu
Florida State University                      SPAN:     scri::pepke
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4052                    BITNET:   pepke@fsu

Disclaimer: My employers seldom even LISTEN to my opinions.
Meta-disclaimer: Any society that needs disclaimers has too many lawyers.

dlangfor@magnus.ircc.ohio-state.edu (David W Langford) (11/02/90)

I seem to have entered this thread late and I have missed the previous three     articles. I was wondering if someone could E-Mail me the beginings of this      thread and other related articles. I am very much interested in expermenting   with the Power Glove but I don't really know where to start (besides buying one of course). 
Thank you...
              David Langford
<Signature uder constuction>