[sci.electronics] Sencore Video Test Equipment - Take over payments!

hart@blackjack.dt.navy.mil (Michael Hart) (11/13/90)

	Sencore Video Bench Test Equipment Suite

This is a complete video testing bench.  If you are familiar
with consumer electronics test equipment, you probably know the
Sencore name; if you're not, Sencore is the leader in test equipment
for the consumer electronics industry.

I am shutting down my part-time VCR repair business, in favor of 
other business ventures!  The last thing(s) I need to get rid of 
is my Sencore test equipment.  This equipment is six months old,
has seen light usage, and is in PERFECT condition.

Included: (Descriptions below)
	SC-61 Dual Trace Scope
	VA-62A Video Analyzer
	NT-63	NTSC Pattern Generator
	??-64	VCR Video Head Signal Generator (Not sure of the 
											exact nomenclature)
	EX-231 Expansion Box  - connects 63 & 64 to the VA62A.
	PR-57	Isolation Transformer & AC leakage tester.

This equipment package is EVERYTHING needed to service video equipment.
This package goes for approximately $7000 new;  I will sell it
for 		loan payoff + shipping.  

As of 30 October, the loan balance was about $5750.  
Loans are available through the equipment manufacturer,
with standard approval - they will approve almost anyone!!
My payments are $163/mo.  With this balance, and a new 48 month loan,
payments should be on the order of $155, maybe less.

All equipment will come in original shipping containers, with all 
documentation, cables, etc.

I believe there is a two year warranty on this equipment.

I need to sell this equipment before my next payment is due, on 
20 November 90.

If you have need of this type of equipment, or know of anyone who
does, please pass this on.  Besides the fact that _I'm_ selling it,
I honestly believe this to be a great deal!


	SC-61 O'scope:  This is a 60MHz scope, capable of measuring
		pulses and transients up to 100MHz.  It is specifically 
		set up for video signals, and has several sync positions
		for Horiz. and Vert. sync'ing.

		Each channel has 3 pushbuttons for getting an instantaneous
		readout on the LCD display of Volts DC, Volts Peak to Peak,
		and Frequency.

		Each channel can also measure DC and/or freq, with the input
		coupling set to AC, by virtue of an isolation circuit in 
		the input, and special probes.  you NEVER have to get a
		different probe to switch AC to DC,  never even have to 
		change a switch setting.

		There are also functions to measure delta-time, display
		ch. A, B, A&B, both, or X-Y.

	Note: There are many functions to this scope I haven't described

	VA-62A Video Analyzer: This is a multi-function video generator/
		analyzer.  It has a frequency generator that will output
		signal on any cable or broadcast channel 2-99; it will output
		IF for stages 1,2, or 3; will output 30Hz servo signals for
		VCR trouble shooting; audio signals, many more.
		Test patterns include dot, crosshair, grid, grey scale step,
		color bar, multiburst; & external (see below).

	EX-231 Expander Box:  Used to connect the following accessories
		so they may be used with the VA-62.

	NT-63 NTSC Test Pattern Generator:  Accessory that generates the
		NTSC test patterns required by some Vid. Equipm. manufacturers
		for warranty work.

	SC-64 Video Head Substitution Box: Generates signals that allow
		signal substitution directly into any point of the VCR circuit=	
		ry from the video head on.  Very useful in determining whether
		a VCR really has a bad head, or if the problem is downstream.

	PR-57 Isolation Transformer & AC leakage tester:  This unit has
		variable output, a meter to measure wattage & voltage, and
		a probe to measure AC leakage on consumer electronic equipment,
		which is required on every piece of repaired equipment.
Michael G. Hart   hart@blackjack.dt.navy.mil /  mhart@oasys.dt.navy.mil
	I don't know what I want to be when I grow up!
DISCLAIMER: the usual!