(Jon Sreekanth) (12/29/90)
The Boston Computer Society (617-367-8080) has a monthly magazine called BCS Update. In the Jan 91 issue, they had a survey article on CD ROM's. Some contact numbers from the article : Bureau of Electronic Publishing, NJ. 800-828-4766 or 201-808-2700 Call for a free catalog of CD ROM titles Information Today is a monthly newspaper on online and CD ROM databases. Published by Learned Information Inc, 609-654-4888 CD ROM Professional (Pemberton Press, 800-248-8466) is a bimonthly magazine , CD ROM and publishing equipment. Helgerson Associates Inc, 800-688-3374 Publishes : Disc Magazine, CD ROM Shoppers Guide I called them up, and they are friendly and helpful, but don't send sample copies. Disc Magazine is monthly, year's sub is $34.95, and includes a free CD ROM every month (articles, programs, etc) Addressed to developers of CD ROM and multimedia. CD ROM Shoppers Guide is quarterly, year's sub is $19.95, has listings of titles and hardware CD ROM Inc, 303-231-9373. Call for a free catalog of titles and h/w University Microfilms Inc. 800-521-0600 Same company that makes microfilms of old theses, and out of print books. They don't have an overall catalog, but offered to send a free catalog of all the (60+) subject catalogs. I subscribed to Disc Mag; I'll post an update when I get it, especially whether their CD ROM contains anything useful. One CD ROM every month sounds like information paradise :-) Regards, / Jon Sreekanth Assabet Valley Microsystems Fax and PC products 346 Lincoln St #722, Marlboro, MA 01752 508-562-0722