[sci.electronics] tubes for sale

alex@umbc5.umbc.edu (Alex S. Crain) (01/17/91)

	I have inherited some 3600 vacuum tubes and I'm trying to figure
out what to do with them. Some of them are clearly of little value (I
have about 800 reed relays but no coils or magnets), but there are
also some jems as well.

	I'm not familiar with what this stuff is worth. The tubes are
several years old, but unused and in their original cartons. I don't have
any matched sets, sorry. They are surplus from a lab somewhere ...
(Dept of transportation?).

	Here's a list. If you want any of these, send me some mail with
an offer. I'm talking to some local shops that may want the whole mess,
so I'm not making any promises but I'll consider anything. Also, I have
a list and 7 cartons, but I haven't cross referenced the stock, so I can't 
even guarentee that the list is accurate (but it looks pretty good).

                                      6AF11         5
1AD2          7                       6AH6          12
1AD4          8                       6AK4          4
1R5            2                      6AK5          25
1T4            6                      6AK6          78
1U4            2                      6AL5          ?
1U5            10                     6AM4          9
1X2B          4                       6AM8A        7
                                      6AN8A         2
2AV2          2                       6AQ6          5
2BN4A         7                       6AQ7GT       17
2D21           2                      6AR5          4
2FQ5          1                       6AR11         3
                                      6AT6          5
3BZ6           6                      6AU4          8
3DG4          1                       6AU5          7
3ER5          1                       6AU6          82
3GK5          3                       6AU8          31
3V4            2                      6AV5          7
                                      6AV6          82
4BC6          5                       6AW8         8
4BQ7A         6                       6AX3          3
4BZ6           8                      6AX4          50
4CB6          5                       6AX5          55
4CS6           5                      6BA6          20
4DT6A         3                       6BE6          16
4HS8           2                      6BG6          10
4JC6           8                      6BH6          126
                                      6BH8          8
5AM8          7                       6BJ6          37
5AQ5          2                       6BJ7          1
5AR4          3                       6BJ8          2
5AT8          8                       6BK7          6
5CG8          4                       6BN6          87
5CL8          2                       6BQ5/EL34     40
5R4GYB        8                       6BQ6          8
5T8            8                      6BQ7          12
5U4GB         24                      6BR8          5
5U8            7                      6BS3A         2
5V3            4                      6BV8          8
5Y3            2                      6BW4         10
                                      6BY6          3
6AB4          6                       6BZ6          2
6AF4          7                       6BZ7          14


6C4            36                     6HF8          2
6CA4          2                       6J5            7
6CB6          3                       6J6            10
6CD6          7                       6J7            4
6CG3          2                       6JA5          1
6CG7          1                       6JB6          3
6CG8          15                      6JD6          1
6CJ3           1                      6JH5          2
6CL3          1                       6JM6          6
6CL6          32                      6JN6          4
6CL8          10                      6JT8          4
6CM7          15                      6JU8          1
6CN7          3                       6KA8          5
6CQ4          5                       6K6           18
6CS7           10                     6KM6          1
6CU8          7                       6L6           4
6CW5          2                       6LF6          1
6CY5          37                      6LS8          1
6DE4          5                       6N7           2
6DE6          3                       6Q5           24
6DE7          5                       6SC7          10
6DJ8           15                     6SD7          9
6DK6          1                       6SJ7           14
6DN3          1                       6SK7          8
6DQ6          10                      6SL7          19
6DR7          5                       6T8A          22
6DX6          1                       6T10          7
6DX8          14                      6U8           13
6EA7          6                       6V6           1
6EB8          5                       6W4           6
6EH7          5                       6W6           6
6EM7          3                       6X4           55
6EU7          4                       6X8           10
6FA7          5
6FD7          1                       8AW8         1
6FV8          1                       8CG7          2
6GE5          4                       8LT8          1
6GJ7           9                      8JV8          3
6GK5          2
6GK6          2                       9AU7          3
6GN8          1                       9JW8          1
6GW6          9
6GX6          2                       10JT8         4
6H6            4


12AB5         10                      19AU4         4
12AD6         5                       19HV8         3
12AF6         3                       19JN8         4
12AL5          13                     19T8          1
12AV5         3
12AV6         1                       2050           6
12AV7         5
12AX3         3                       21LR8         1
12AX4         9
12BA6         29                      22DE4         11
12BH7         242                     22JF6          1
12BR7         8
12CU5         7                       25DN5
12CY5         3                       25DN6         4
12DS7          5
12DQ6         4                       25L6           4
12DQ7         14                      25W4          7
12DZ6          6
12ED5         3                       35B5          4
12EK6         4                       35C5          3
12FX5         5                       35L6           15
12GN7         48                      35W4
12GT5         8                       35Z5           34
12SJ7          38
12SK7          5                      38HE7         1
12SL7          17
12SN7          23                     50B5          11
12SQ7          7                      50DC4         3
12V6           5                      50EH5         9
12X4           1                      50HK6         1
                                      50L6           20
15FM7         2                       50Y6          5

17AX4         3                       117P7GT       1
17AY3         1
17BS3          1                      83             1
17BZ3          1                      812A          10
17CT3         1                       4408           4
17D4           6                      5642           8
17DQ6         4                       5651           1
17GV5         3                       5654           1
17GW6         5                       5691           57
17JZ8                                 5726           4
                                      5965A         159


6005           70
6267           1
6336A          1
6973           78
7355           10
7581A          3
7591A          13
7868           4
9006           10

CK512AX       2
CK533AX       1
DR600         794
GB6189        5
GL930         1
WL5651        3
JG5727         1
B8422          1

#################################		           :alex.
#Disclaimer: Anyone who agrees  #                 Systems Programmer
#with me deserves what they get.#    University of Maryland Baltimore County
#################################	    alex@umbc3.umbc.edu

#################################		           :alex.
#Disclaimer: Anyone who agrees  #                 Systems Programmer
#with me deserves what they get.#    University of Maryland Baltimore County
#################################	    alex@umbc3.umbc.edu