(IEEE Student Branch) (12/24/90)
This is my first time reading sci.electronics: I hope these questions have not been asked before. I am building a light meter. Can anyone recommend a visible light phototransistor for this purpose. I have only come across phototransistors that work in the IR range. I noticed my camera uses a "Silicon Blue Cell". Is this a phototransistor or ...? Are blue diodes available? If so, who makes them. Any suggestions for Canadian distributors? Any help would be most appretiatied, Linas Dauksa or (Dan Dunphy) (01/27/91)
Silicon light sensors are deficient in blue sensitivity. The device you refer of is a blue enhanced silicon cell. I really don't know how this is done, possibly a dopant, or a filter.A This type if cell is what is used in most if not all photographic light meters.