(Mark Anthony Brown) (02/07/91)
The following is a specification for a public domain system bus, primarily designed for 68000-based machines. A TeX-format version will be posted after this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The PMBUS ========= Revision 5: December 1988 General ------- The PMBUS was developed in 1982 to address the need for a fast, low-cost system bus for the emerging 16/32-bit processors. Today it is in use in commercial products from various companies, ranging from workstations to embedded controllers. The PMBUS specification is completely public-domain. It may be copied and distributed freely, and may be implemented for any purpose without restriction. Introduction ------------ The PMBUS is a modular, expandable bus system for 16 and 32 bit micro systems. Although designed primarily for the MC68000, it is compatible with most current and projected 16 and 32 bit micros. The bus protocol and timings are based closely on those of the 68000, as this makes implementation on a 68000 simple, while most other processors can be interfaced with some simple logic. The PMBUS is implemented on three levels, and uses a double-size (standard or extended) Eurocard format with single or dual DIN 41612 (A+B) connectors. Level 0, using the lower connector only, provides a low-cost approach for systems with a memory space of up to 128 Kbytes, and three separate prioritized interrupts. It is directly up-compatible to level 1, which provides a full 16 Mbyte address range, eight levels of interrupt, prioritised DMA, multi-processor systems and full virtual memory, using two DIN connectors. Level 2 provides true 32 bit operation. Dynamic data bus sizing is provided, allowing Level 0/1 hardware to be accessed at its proper location, and in particular allowing Level 0/1 devices to appear 32 bits wide, so that Level 0/1 memories etc can be used, albeit with a speed penalty since twice as many accesses are required. Implementation -------------- Since the PMBUS is based around the bus protocol and timings of the 68000, some familiarity with the 68000 bus is assumed; this document will not describe the 68000 bus in detail. Full timings are given, however, as these are system-level timings taking into account such things as buffer propagation delays. Structure of the PMBUS ---------------------- The PMBUS requires only a simple backplane, running all lines in parallel to all cards. A simple groundplane should be used; a normal double-sided PCB provides a perfectly adequate structure with the tracks on one side and a groundplane on the other. Unlike many other bsuses, the PMBUS does not require elaborate multilayer PCBs. The PMBUS also avoids complex and costly termination schemes. The DATA lines, which do not require ultra-fast, ringing-free edges, are normally driven with standard LSTTL devices, while the address and control lines use high-threshold CMOS devices to minimise susceptibility to noise. For these lines, simple series termination (22ohm typical) will suffice, and is only required on cards capable of assuming bus mastership. Some slower PMBUS implementations dispense with the terminations altogether. One board (usually the main CPU) is designated as overall bus controller, and generates the clocks CLK and E. Other potential bus masters, such as other CPUs and DMA peripherals, are designated DMABMDs (Direct Memory Access Bus Master Devices). Logic Levels and Electrical Considerations ------------------------------------------ To maximise the noise immunity of critical signals, some lines (addresses and some control lines) are noted as 'H' (High threshold) in the definition below; these are to be driven to CMOS logic levels (e.g. by 74HCT or 74ACT series drivers) rather than LSTTL levels, which are acceptable for all other signals. Receivers may use CMOS or TTL thresholds, at the card designer's discretion, but in the interests of reliability, cards which cannot tolerate ringing or other noise on signal transitions should use CMOS thresholds. FTTL is acceptable in many applications, as it has significantly more noise immunity than LSTTL, although CMOS levels are to be preferred. When designing, remember that 74HCT and 74ACT devices have TTL, not CMOS, input thresholds. The drive requirements are as follows: Open-collector lines (*1 below) may be driven by standard-drive (8mA) LSTTL or CMOS open-collector gates; all non-open-collector lines must be driven with high-drive (e.g. '244, '541, '245, '374 etc) drivers of the appropriate (CMOS or TTL) family. Note that there is no objection to driving the TTL-level lines to CMOS levels, however. Also, when the 74AC/74ACT family is used, any device type may be used, as all outputs have 24mA drive. RESET' on the bus is bidirectional and therefore unbuffered (from a 68000 CPU); HALTO' is buffered on the CPU card. Other open-collector lines are inputs to the microprocessor and should in general not be buffered to maintain speed, with the exception of BGAK', which when asserted tri-states all non-open-collector lines except CLK, BG', and E, and must therefore be buffered so as to present a low capacitive load to the bus rather than controlling numerous buffers directly. The open-collector lines should be terminated at the master CPU card by the following resistances to +5V: RESET': 4k7 DTAK', BERR', VPA', BR', BGAK', SIZE': 560 ohms I1'--I7', HALTI', WAIT': 2k2 The 560R pull-ups ensure a quick rise time for those signals which require it, even with the capacitance of a large backplane with many cards. Additionally, the lines INTAK', IOS' and HALTO' should be pulled up with 4k7 resistors on the master CPU card so that DMA devices which do not require these lines can leave them undriven without them becoming spuriously asserted. PMBUS LEVEL 0 -- Bottom connector --------------------------------- Pin Function Notes --- -------- ----- AB 1/2 GND AB 31/32 +5V AB 3 +12V A 4 PWRFAIL' *6H Power supply failure warning A 5 -12V A 6-21 D0-D15 16 bit data bus (bidirectional) A 22 RADS H Active high address strobe for lower 128kb A 23 UDS' H Upper data strobe A 24 LDS' H Lower data strobe A 25 DS' H Data strobe A 26 RESET' *2 Reset input/output A 27 HALTI' *1 Processor halt input A 28 R/W' H Write strobe A 29 AS' H Address strobe for any access A 30 DTAK' *1 Data transfer acknowledge B 4 (reserved) (Unused on revision 5) B 5 CLK H Processor clock output B 6-21 A1-A16 H Reduced address bus B 22 BERR' *1 Bus error signal B 23 IOS' *3H Address strobe for I/O page B 24 VPA' *1 Request for 6800-type synchronous bus cycle B 25 VMA' H Shows 6800-type cycle in progress B 26 E H Clock for 6800-type cycles B 27 I1' *1 Priority 1 interrupt (maskable) B 28 I2' *1 Priority 2 interrupt (maskable) B 29 I7/NMI' *1 Non-maskable priority 7 interrupt B 30 INTAK' H Interrupt acknowledge PMBUS LEVEL 1 -- Top connector ------------------------------ Pin Function Notes --- -------- ----- AB 1 GND A 2 BGAK' *1 Bus grant acknowledge A 3 BG' H Bus grant A 4 BR' *1 Bus request A 5-7 FC0-2 H Processor function codes A 8-11 I3-6' *1 Maskable interrupts B 2-8 A17-A23 H Extended address bus B 9 HALTO' H Active if HALTI' low or CPU halts B 10 WAIT' *1,4 Disables nonresponding device timer B 11 REFCLK *4H Refresh control line for d-RAM controller B 21-27 DP1-7' *1 DMA priority signals PMBUS LEVEL 2 -- Top connector ------------------------------ Pin Function Notes --- -------- ----- A 12-19 D16-D23 Extended data bus A 20 XLDS' H Data strobe for D16--23 A 21 SIZE' *1,5 Indicates 32--bit wide device addressed B 12-19 D24-D31 Extended data bus B 20 XUDS' H Data strobe for D24--31 Notes ----- *1 Open collector common line. Any device may operate line as required. *2 Resets CPU if HALTI' is also low. Also resets external devices. *3 Defined on CPU card; goes low when AS' is active and address is within a 256 word (512 byte) block reserved for I/O devices. This may be mapped into the main address space or be a separate space, according to the processor used and the designer's preference. *4 Optional extension. These lines are reserved for the purpose indicated but are frequently not implemented. If your design uses them, proceed with caution. *5 The PMBUS is by default 16 bits wide (although byte-wide devices will ignore half the bus), and even if a 32 bit processor is installed, bus cycles are by default 16 bits. If a device capable of 32 bit operation is addressed, it pulls down SIZE' (no later than it asserts DTAK') to show it is using the entire 32 bit data bus (gated by XUDS' and XLDS' from the processor). Note that for a processor using 68020-style databus ordering, on a 32 bit transfer, bus lines D0-D15 will actually carry the more significant 16 bits of the data, while D16-D31 will carry the less significant word. In other words, PMBUS data lines 0-15 correspond to 68020 data lines 16-31 and vice versa. *6 PWRFAIL' is a signal from the system power supply unit which drops low at least 5 milliseconds before the PMBUS power rails fail when the machine is switched off or disconnected from the mains. In addition, it must not go high until at least 200 milliseconds after the power rails reach their proper voltages when the machine is powered up. The line is driven by a current source with a pull-down resistor, and must not be used to drive TTL gates (CMOS is OK). The line is not intended as a system reset, but to protect devices such as battery-backed memory from corruption. Derivation of signals from a 68000 microprocessor ------------------------------------------------- The following logic equations define the lines listed below: DS' = UDS'.LDS' INTAK' = ([AS']'.FC0.FC1.FC2)' RADS = (AS'+A17+A18+A19+A20+A21+A22+A23)' In addition, IOS' is derived by gating address lines and AS' (or RADS) to select a specific 256-word (512-byte) block of memory. By convention this is at $1000 - $11FF, but may be located anywhere in the processor's address space. Timing Requirements ------------------- All cards must conform to these specifications. Signals are quoted for 6, 8 and 10 MHz CLK frequencies, although the vast majority of PMBUS systems today run the bus at 10 MHz. The slower speeds are regarded as obsolescent and are not recommended for new designs. Remember that these timings refer to an entire card, and the signal names refer to the PMBUS, not the microprocessor chip itself, so allow for any buffers on the card in question only. All timings are in nanoseconds. CPU Cards and DMABMDs --------------------- Parameter 6MHz 8MHz 10MHz --------- ---- ---- ----- Address valid to AS' low 35 30 20 min Address hold after AS' high 40 30 20 min MPUs AS' low to RADS high 48 48 38 max MPUs AS' high to RADS low 48 48 38 max MPUs UDS'/LDS' to DS' (high or low) 38 38 16 max MPUs AS' to INTAK' (high or low) 50 50 40 max MPUs AS' low to IOS' low 100 100 80 max MPUs AS' high to IOS' high 90 90 70 max Data setup time before UDS'/LDS' low (write) 30 30 20 min Data hold time after UDS'/LDS' high (write) 40 30 20 min Address/control buffer prop delay (for 68000) 20 20 8 max Data buffer prop delay (for 68000) 12 12 12 max Peripheral Cards ---------------- Parameter 6MHz 8MHz 10MHz --------- ---- ---- ----- DS' low to DTAK' low for full speed reads 120 75 64 max DTAK' release time from DS' high 120 80 74 max DTAK' release time from UDS'/LDS' high 140 100 82 max Read access time from RADS (full speed) 263 180 135 max Read access time from UDS'/LDS' (full speed) 293 210 165 max DTAK' low before data valid (slow read cycle) 102 72 57 max Strobes inactive to data bus tri-state 150 120 85 max IOS' high to VPA' high 68 28 20 max AS' high to VPA' high (alternative) 140 80 74 max Further Notes ------------- Bus Error Timer The CPU card contains a timer which is started when AS' is low, and if the cycle has not terminated (ie. AS' is still low) after (e.g.) 10 us, asserts BERR' to terminate the bus cycle in the event of a non-responding device or an access to unpopulated address space. The level 1 signal WAIT' holds this timer at zero when asserted, to allow long cycles if necessary (although these are not advised, and may prevent use of dynamic. NOTE that WAIT' is optional. Pull Ups (68000 processors) OUTPUT lines on the processor chip which are tri-state (other than address and data pins) should be pulled up with a 10k resistor before buffering to prevent inadvertent assertion when the lines are in the off-state. Tri-state Control In a level 0 system, the CPU card drives the bus all the time. In a level 1 or 2 system, (with bus arbitration), the CPU card buffers are disabled when BGAK' is low. Note that BGAK' will require a buffer to drive the many control inputs. The following lines are not affected (ie. turned off) by BGAK': CLK, BG', E, RESET'. DMA on the PMBUS ---------------- Any card capable of taking bus mastership and performing DMA is termed a DMA Bus Master Device (DMABMD). When in control of the bus, a DMABMD must drive all of the following lines: AS', UDS', LDS', DS', RADS, R/W', VMA', and all data and address lines. INTAK', IOS', HALTO' are pulled up on the CPU card with 4k7 resistors, so they can be ignored by DMABMDs which do not need them. The DMA mastership arbitration is performed in a distributed manner: each DMABMD has its own arbitration unit, and these contend with each other via the DP1-7 lines for mastership. (DP7' has the highest priority; only one DMABMD is allowed on each priority). The arbitration rule is "first come first served", except when more than one DMABMD is requesting mastership simultaneously, in which case the requests are satisfied in priority order. Once a DMABMD has control of the bus, it cannot be forced to relinquish it, even by a higher priority DMABMD, but re-arbitration will occur as soon as the present master relinquishes the bus. The arbitration state machine is described below, although most implementations use a commercially-available two-chip semi-custom IC set to perform the entire function, including buffer control and a simple 'request-proceed' interface to a DMA device. Arbitration Sequence -------------------- All state transitions (at the bus itself) must take place between 0-30 ns after the rising edge of bus CLK. The state machine is therefore fully synchronous. When the DMABMD wishes to request the bus, it waits until BR', BG' and BGAK' are all high, then asserts BR' and its own DPn' line simultaneously. On the first rising edge of CLK after BG' has gone low (indicating the start of arbitration), the DMABMD latches the output of its priority network (signal MINE+, which by definition will only be true for the highest-priority DMABMD currently requesting the bus). On the next CLK rising edge after AS' and DTAK' both become high, the DMABMD with MINE+ high asserts BGAK', turns on its tri-state buffers and takes over the bus. When they see BGAK' asserted, all DMABMDs simultaneously cancel their BR' and DPn' signals. When the last cycle is complete and DTAK' has been cancelled, the bus master cancels BGAK' and turns its tristate buffers off. (End) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- I felt like a punk who'd gone out for a switchblade and came back with a tactical nuke. "Shit", I thought. Screwed again. What good's a tactical nuke in a streetfight? "Burning Chrome" -- William Gibson Mark A. Brown | Research Student | land line: +44 71 975 5220 Department of Computer Science | JANET: Queen Mary & Westfield College | UUCP: eeyore@qmc-cs.UUCP Mile End Road, London E1 4NS | -----------------------------------------------------------------