dave@utcsrgv.UUCP (Dave Sherman) (12/11/83)
I am scouting for a reasonably-priced system which can support 20-30 users doing disk-based computer-assisted legal instruction under UNIX. (I will be porting CAI which I have developed under v7 on an 11/23.) One that I am considering recommending is the WICAT 200, which has 32 ports. I would very much like to hear from anyone out there who is running the Wicat 200, particularly if you have lots of ports on it. The application I'm looking for is disk- rather than cpu-intensive, and I'd like to get some idea whether the 200 really can support that many terminals. Also, is it reliable? Thanks in advance, Dave Sherman The Law Society of Upper Canada Toronto allegra!utcsrgv!dave@BERKELEY -- {allegra,cornell,decvax,ihnp4,linus,utzoo}!utcsrgv!dave