[sci.electronics] Westinghouse 419B replacement

dmturne@PacBell.COM (Dave Turner) (02/14/91)

Recently someone was looking for a replacement diode.
The article expired before I was able to reply.

The RCA SK Series Solid State Replacement Guide lists a 419B with no
mention of the manufacturer.

The replacement is the SK3609 Silicon rectifier. The specs are:

	DO-5 Stud mount
	Standard Polarity (cathode to case)
	PRV 200 Volts
	Forward Current 40 Amps
	Surge Current 500 Amps
	Forward Voltage Drop 1.47 Volts

This may be close enough but be advised that the SK3609 was listed as
replacement for other 419X rectifiers also.

Dave Turner	415/823-2001	{att,bellcore,sun,ames,decwrl}!pacbell!dmturne