(Cmdr Sean M Wetterer) (02/27/91)
As happens every year around this time at Caltech, students with absolutely nothing better to do have been toying around with tunneling calculations. Lately, we've been trying to figure out what the probability of a person quantum tunneling through a wall would be. Right now, average estimates place it at 1 in 10 to the 47th power. But what time interval are we looking at for this event to occur? Does an attempt occur on the order of an atomic decision (i.e. the time reqd for an atom to decide if it wants to decay)? If so (or not), how long does that take? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sean M. Wetterer New Jerseyan and not afraid to admit it Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91126 So where are all the chemistry groupies? No we aren't in San Luis Obispo! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------