[sci.electronics] Comparator Circuit driven by a Piezo Element

v097pba8@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Ken F Morton) (03/17/91)

	Ok, I need a piezo element to drive a comparator to close a solid-
state switch.  All this to interface to a Alesis Hr-16 Drum Machine that
uses a piezo element and a switch to drive itself.  Can someone provide
me with a circuit diagram?  I'm not an electrician, I'm a musician, but
I like to put things together and save money.  The comparator will close
a switch run in parallel with the original HR-16 switch, and the raw piezo
signal will also be hooked up in parallel with the hr-16 piezos.  Does
any one see a need for a buffer op-amp on the piezo output?

			Thanks alot!

Ken Morton