lake@alberta (08/22/83)
Near the beginning of the instrumental portion of the Beach Boys hit 'Wendy', if one listens carefully, a cough followed by either laughter or a comment may be heard in the background. Out of curiousity, has anyone heard other music having unintended features such as this?
burris@ihopa.UUCP (08/24/83)
On the CD version of Welcome to the Machine a distinct cough can be heard during one of the quiet portions. I have not noticed this on the analog version but it may indeed be there. Voting for CD's in the near future, Dave Burris ihopa!burris BTL - Naperville
bernar@uwvax.ARPA (Bernardo Feijoo) (08/25/83)
Just now two examples come to mind: 1.- All over "Let it be" by The Beatles you can hear people talking and joking, including the Fab Four themselves. 2.- In at least two tracks of Jethro Tull's "Heavy Horses" you can hear coughing, and it is done so effectively that I think they should've put in the credits something like: "... Mr. so and so : coughing as a percussion effect" I'm quite sure there are more examples. Happy listening you all, Bernardo Feijoo CS Dept. U. of Wisconsin-Madison uwvax@bernar