(Javed Hussain) (04/20/91)
I have a special VCR made by Instant Replay Co. in Florida, USA. The function of this VCR is to play PAL/SECOM/NTSC system video tapes on an NTSC TV without going through an expensive process of converting from PAL/SECOM to NTSC system. It works great, but there is a catch that it requires a TV with external vertical hold switch. TV made 4/5 years back had this, but now as technology has progressed, this feature is no more available on newer TV's. Due to this when I play a PAL tape, screen rolls vertically and there is no way I can control this. The help I need in this regard is doed anybody know if there are TV's which can detect different vertical sync frequency and adjust accordingly. Other thing I am looking for is any external device to which signal from VCR be fed, and output is of correct vertical sync for TV. I came accross a chip made by Motorola namely MC1377 which takes RGB and composite sync signals and decodes into either PAL or NTSC format. Does anybody out there has any experience with this chip? If I convert video output of my VCRinto RGB & sync and feed to this chip, will it give me a correct NTSC composite video to be played on NTSC TV? I will appreciate any help in this regard. Please email me if you can as I rarely read this news group. Thanks. Javed off. phone: 408-749-5312