(DJ Flip) (04/23/91)
Last year I mortally (back then it seemed) killed my HP 28S calculator. But last night while cleaning out my desk drawer I had an idea of popping it open. After breaking a lot of internal plastic and glue I found out that the tactile keypad had some scaling/corrosion on the back(ground?) of the pad -- by accident I had messed up the calculator in the first place by having the 28S and a banana in a bag which I forgot about -- the banana got flattenend and the key's were covered in banana. I also noticed a oily film on the top of the keypad... Now, I'm about to go out and get some contact cleaner and see if I can get this to work again, but besides that - any recommendation for getting this HP to work again? The circuit board is fine - I got it to turn on... Anyone know if I can order a replacement tactile keypad from HP? Any ideas/comments/criticisms about bananas/addresses/etc would be appreciated -- -=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=-*=-=*=- "DOS sucks - get a SPARCStation"