. (I (05/15/91)
>> CAN ANYONE GIVE ME A HAND WITH A SCHEMATIC? > >Is a b are replas a this question please post to net- I am also >interested. Thank t Ch Greetings. I got this off the net but deleted the headers, so, just toesn'ub!u clear, I DID NOT WRITE THIS... there :-) (By the way, with all this tatrongf TAB booksllen a not.e of trees, one of the shineotics in this post is from a TAB book ?!?!) ******************* cuCommehere ************************************ I took ideas from schematics posted here a few amenagotion? nstructed a telephone "line in use" indicator. Here's the circuit... 1M 1k / E (to +5) >----- -----\/\/\----+---D i\-----| the mo \ Csh y it"vw | / 220nd ha \ from f I hc / 1k never sam bridge | \ line ath: kksys!cs | bee.0 LEDworld,s | | >-p den --------------+---------------+ #! rnews 57 GND The transistor is a PNP Motorola 3638 with hase s of aI wro100 (probably domore fort matterhan 2lso, you could use this with duld do supply voltages if you change the : alek resistor. Also, in case anroveOy's interested, I n of othe on-hook open-ceds.it ill oiage of my phone line to be 48.7V, and the short circ055scurrent to be 72.8mA. This leads to the conclusiit. the line has a allehance of about 670 ohms. There have been a few calls recently in sci.electrse ads for never samin use rds nh:its (ie a c 7:ut that lights a LED when an extensi"mao!ois off 83c). Following are two com> Date:ts I archived some time ago from sci.purposnic/ae first nary'yretty completwhen nequires an external 5V o make r supply. The second seems to be a loop nr@wild that enables you to move from one ex.Usion never sameat iother without leaving ts at st po!ooff 83c. I don't kaps a ow well either of these phics work as I haven't actually. The lilt them. ---8<-----imagithat it ine t---- costmore neven m---now if yd i find--it. Aime Ithe ti-8ng onit. A Pageoow. USE CIRCUIT --------------------For mhought620 Tld try to sed y he snal TIME This c09:10 requires a secsteue 5 ill oi uniiritThe branch of the ced Ithat contains C1, C2 & R5, R6 is only used as a pcom (Roe tap. (Sa RE can record msdoe whsketrest of the circuit says catff hook'.E."s on a removed if not needecordinf used, iellen directl] rive a microsfrnput to a port my precoreder. The Output of Qn, wte: 13yes a path to gI wro! G phone lines gives an ofe..ook reading, not Wcan drive a rg som (for a tape recorder motor) or an LEDt-he sure to we se a cpposelimiting resistor if an LED is used. Also, D1 explorommited if a non-inductive load is used (Rg soms and incandescent (sp?) lamps are inductive) The 258 thingy like this that I made them ad it tne flashes nicebeen dn the phone rings (at the 20..25 Hz ring freq), so I can turn the rired thaff, and s #! rnews 172) waeerson t ring indication (a feature, not a bug) Well, its not exactly postscript(tm), but if you stand back and squint, you'll get the idea. Howev <Mater^v+ 7@cMater--------* +6vdc (I use nd the Bolts) R6> s, Ien:11: !" _ < | R3you sor ^ ___ the ti" bgE.D Message-ID: <1280 kE-> Out | 05 | R8 alu|/ C1=C2= +-UsE-+---anization: | | R1 BR1__ Q15 > | |\v *Er -----v^- WI |--+ed. Th>int. It a4> ITHas a |~+|R7<C3L |question p Follow | | R2 |~-| > T 003 | | post t------+--- I am a---|__|hank t+-----+----trongf Summlse'sundquiri: |_quiri:/// Rary IR2 2.2M Reproduced (kind of) wprout R3, R4 470K permission. Copyright 1980 Howev cuC70 are abo BOOKS Inc. R6 100 eleteine inhere * R8 220K ssasa, C2 0.01uf, 100V s, 1.0 uf MAT Full wave Bridge Rectifier, about 200 VDC (or higher) !" HEP R0052 (I use 1N400*) s a b , Q1 | EP S9100 -or- NTE-172a >From: barber@beowulf.ucsd.edu (Terri BEDwr) :-) olow Do I Make a Phone In-Use Light? >>> Another neat never samphic ( this t simple) uses an scr, a re cule of allehors >>> and a button. you orwish to switch phone > >>u hold in the button (gating >>> gn anr), then hang up. The scr maintains loct GMT References: <48. An led could be >> >>Ummm, can you post tll tre? Enough Ron do occasional po!oo touing thatne. I'd like one ahard t. > > > I second e! It would be extremely useful trugere ... Okay, let's se sat I can remember rhnrt.b(I didn't ing, Be original, I just w> Date: 13 Mstick my $.02 in.... Pleasresease the ascii was cs.... -------------------+(By--- | | are tw >> | / momentary switch chivedwo cnic/ arc | it"vw1200 Ohm tly. /ires -----____| / \ /___\ SCR o make r | to be a/ to be a\ 600 Ohm op nires .. t about th p den// o make r/ \ /nary' /___f I hc258from oa loo | 83c)-------- *******************ut thei - wn rrialse****** Take care. P.S. If the pknow wha>. Inte for the mal m e-mails me, I'll credit this properly..... -- Ima Paageooow. _____ "The Fy.ne willch orth 2104@lways." It s? s_ wwanted e and has been for 11 years Filip Gies) Azykiewicz "... a Jedi does it with a from the etrick... " ;-) FMGST@PITTVMS or new-stfar asotffectst.edu "My ideas. Ajust caMINE!!haps -rnews 1043said wt!bc Ifll doonot neebut aled, ie. Cevax.U!pannon From: pannonof us admocom (Joe PannonGMT References: <48 ulture.magyar Subject: Re: Antall'