[sci.electronics] O'scopes

rainer@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Rainer Malzbender) (05/11/91)

I recently did some work with an HP 54501A digitizing scope. It appeared
like a nice product, but the owners said it wasn't very accurate. Hooking
it up to a voltage reference apparently gave readings that were off by
more than what you'd expect from the 8-bit A/D. I personally didn't check

Now I am considering purchasing the newer HP54601 scope. Of course, I plan
to check these things out before buying, but I was wondering if net people
could send me their opinions on this beastie, or comparable units (say,
scopes under or around $3K - Philips, Tek, etc.)

Send email and I'll summarize if there's enough interest.

Rainer Malzbender
Dept. of Physics (303)492-6829 
U. of Colorado, Boulder         rainer@boulder.colorado.edu

kenw@col.hp.com (Ken Wyatt) (05/23/91)

Hello Rainer,

I helped with the RFI/EMC design on both those products here in Colorado
Springs and I will try to help answer your questions regarding the vertical

For the 54501A Scope...         

The vertical gain accuracy (dc) is +/- 1.5%
The offset accuracy is +/- 2% of offset + 0.2 * (V/div)
The vertical (A/D) resolution is +/- 0.4% (8 bits)

The worst-case voltage measurement accuracy (using cursors) is the sum of
the above three percentages.

The time base accuracy is 0.005%.

For the 54601A Scope...

The vertical accuracy is +/- 1.5%.  The cursor accuracy is +/- 0.5% of
full scale or +/- 0.5% of position value (single cursor). For dual cursors,
the vertical accuracy is +/- 0.4% of full scale.

The horizontal (time base) accuracy is 0.01%.


All the above data is from our spec sheets on these two products.  I believe
(I know, I'm biased!) that you will find these accuracies comparable, or
better than other brands.  We have some other data on single-event pulse
captures (single-shot signals) comparing HP scopes with other competitors
which indicates our superior waveform integrity and jitter responses.  If
you, or anyone else, would like literature on these scopes, please leave
Email.  Also, Rainer, if you would like a tour of the factory, let me know
and I'll be happy to arrange it.


Ken Wyatt
Product Regulations Manager
Colorado Springs Division

work phone 719-590-2852
Email:     kenw@col.hp.com