[sci.electronics] Finding NTSC video signals in a TV?

mrapple@quack.sac.ca.us (Nick Sayer) (06/14/91)

I have here a Hitachi P-50 "el-cheapo" BW tv. I've taken
the back off and looked around without luck (yes, I have
been EXTREMELY careful. I know how a CRT works) for a spot
on the circuit board where I can find the demodulated NTSC
video to pull out to an RCA jack. If anyone has any helpful
info, I'd be grateful. Thanks.

If it helps, the only designation I can find on the board is
SU-A-P2594052. Interestingly enough, it appears to me that
the entire first IF stage is mounted on the channel knobs
themselves. The antenna connectors have ribbon cables going into
little boxes mounted on the knobs. The boxes have a piece of coax and
a pair of wires going to the main PCB.

I'm quite paranoid about this project, since the PCB seems to mingle
the HV paths helter-skelter among the lower voltage stuff. I would,
however, like to use it to pull out demodulated video.

Alternately, if these little boxes are in fact the first IF stage,
then obtaining a pair of them and building a wide-band AM detector
stage shouldn't be too tough, should it?

Nick Sayer              |    Official Scapegoat for the    | RIP: Mel Blanc
mrapple@quack.sac.ca.us |      MC68HC11 Mailing List.      |   1908--1989
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209-952-5347 (Telebit)  | mc68hc11-request@quack.sac.ca.us |  be silenced.