(Seshan Sekariapuram) (06/20/91)
I am posting this for a friend of mine..... Please respond with a Subject header ****** Research Articles ************ _________________________________________________________________________________ The following items listed are articles needed for research and cannot be obtained locally. It would be greatly appreciated if copies of these articles were made and mailed to the following address: 7008 Tripoli Way Orlando, Florida 32822 Anyone willing to make these copies will be compensated. Expences for request will include a 6 cent per copy charge and postage costs along with $5.00 for efforts. ********Please contact the following e-mail address before copying articles (to avoid multiple copies). I need to give the O.K. before the task is persued!! ************** ______________________________________________________________________________ HELP FROM THE INTERLIBRARY LOAN HAS ALREADY BEEN TRIED. THEY HAVE INFORMED ME THAT THESE ARTICLES CANNOT BE LOCATED ANYWHERE IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA. TO OBTAIN A SINGLE ARTICLE OUT OF STATE WILL COST ME ANYWHERE FROM $5.00 TO $10.00, WHICH I CANNOT AFFORD. Please respond before June 25, 1991!!!! _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Proceedings- IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems; An Ivestigation of Micro Structures, Sensors, Actuators, Machines and Robots, Napa Valley, CA, USA, Feb 11-14 1990. The following articles are from the above journal: 1) Operation of microfabricated harmonic and ordinary side drive motors Mehregany, Mehran(MIT) p 1-8 2) Multiple mode micromechanical resonators Brennen, Reid A.(UC Berkeley) p 9-14 3) A perturbation method for calculating the capacitance of electrostatic motors Kumar, Suresh(Princeton Univ) p 27-33 4) Analytical modelling of electrostatic structures Mahadevan, R(AT&T Bell Lab) p 120-127 5) Multi-Layered electrostatic film actuator Egawa, Saku(Univ of Tokyo) p 166-171 6) A planar air levitated electrostatic actuator system Pister, Kristofer S.J.(UC Berkeley) p 67-71 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7) Proposal for electrically levitating micromotors Kumar, S.(Princeton Univ.) Sensors and Actuators A Physical v24 n2 Jul 1990 p 141-149 8) LOCOS process for an electrostatic microfabricated motor Tavrow, Lee S.(MIT) Sensors and Actuators A Physical v23 n1-3 April 1990 Transducers '89; Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators and Eurosensors III. Part 4, Montreux, Switz, June 25-30 1989. p 893-898 9) Microfabricated electric motors Tavrow, Lee S.(MIT) Electr Manuf(Libertyville IL) v4 n3 May 1990 p23-28 10) Microdynamics Muller, Richard S.(UC Berkeley) Sensors and Actuators A Physical v21 n1-3 2 Pt2 1990 Transducers '89: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators and Eurosensors III. Part 2, Montreux, Switz, June 25-30 1989. p 1-8 11) Microsensor and microactuator applications of thin films Howe, Roger T.(UC Berkeley) Thin Solid Films v181 Dec 10, 1989 16th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings(ICMC)-Part II(of 3), San Diego, CA,USA, Apr 17-21 1989. p 235-243 12) Design principles of miniture rotory plate pneumatic motors Repin, V.A.(Scientific-Industrial Assoc-USSR) Biomed Eng(New York) Nov 1988 p 35-37 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following articles are from Sensors and Actuators v20 n1-2 Nov 15 1989: 13) Design overview of an eccentric-motion electrostatic microactuator(the wobble motor) Jacobsen, S.C.(Univ of Utah) p 1-16 14) On the rectification of vibratory motion Brockett, R.W.(Harvard Univ) p 91-96 15) Harmonic elecrostatic motors Trimmer, W.(AT&T Bell lab) p 17-24 16) Resonant Structure micromotors. Historical perspective and analysis. Pisano, Albert P.(UC Berkeley) p 83-89 17) Analysis of electroquasistatic induction micromotors Bart, Stephen F.(MIT) p 97-106 18) IC-processed electrostatic micromotors Fan, Long-Shen(UC Berkeley) p 41-47 19) IC-processed electrostatic synchronous micromotors Tai, Yu-Chong(UC Berkeley) p 49-55 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------