(Javed Hussain) (06/15/91)
Hello netters! I need expert help to fix my Magnavox TV. Here is what the problemis: when I turn on my TV, it runs fine for about few minutes and then as it warms up, its circuit breaker trips. If I turn of the TV and turn on again after few minuts, it works fine for few minuts and then trips again. I suspect that some capacitor in power supply or high voltage area is leaky. Any ideas how to debug this and fix it. Thanks for help. Javed (Barry Fowler) (06/21/91)
This sounds rather simple but I'll mention it anyway. First, replace the circuit breaker. I repaired TV's for about 7 years while going through school and I've learned that they *do* go bad without something else causing it to go out. You didn't mention how old your set was, if it's solid state or tubes (yes, some people still own them). Also, quite often, something could heat up and short over time. Most often, it is usually something in the horizontal sweep circuit (no guarantees). With tube sets, it's common for the horizontal sweep tube to short with high temperature. With solid state sets, something in the sweep circuit could short with heat or the horiz sweep transistor could saturate, due to it's driving circuitry. With more information on your particular set, we could probably give less general advice on possible sources of the problem. I didn't see leaky capacitors causing the problem in nearly all cases though. 'Good luck, barry