[comp.os.misc] Need help with QNX install!!

hart@blackjack.dt.navy.mil (Michael Hart) (07/30/90)

Hi All!

	Okay, here's the story; True Blue IBM AT, 30 meg drive,
512K, 2x serial/parallel cards, 1.2M 5-1/4 floppy, ega card
running in hga mode to drive an IBM green monitor.
	Problem:  Qnx boots fine after turning on the power.  However
it refuses to warm boot - i.e. after a CTL-ALT-SHIFT-DEL.  I get
the screen bloom and clear, the floppy goes chunka-chunka, ont the
screen I get "QNX Loader
	      Booting Partition 1"
	then the twirling arrow.  It pauses for a second, the drive
light flashes again, then nothing.  After about 5 seconds, the 
memory counter comes on the screen like during the POST mem check -
steps through mem in 64K increments slowly to 512K, then again much
quicker.  Then, the Qnx loader message again, and another memory 
count.  This goes on forever.  However, if I cycle power to the machine
it boots fine.
	I've tried these various permutations:
		. booting with the os.2.15Epcat fileA
		. booting with the os.2.15atp file (norm,
`						 for prot. mode)

		. tried using the /drivers/disk.atc (caching ctlr)
		. tried with /drivers/disk.at (normal non-caching)
		. I've formated the QNX partition (the whole drive
			is 1 qnx partition)
		. I've checked that partition 1 has the boot asterisk
			next to it in fdisk.
	I've done the installation both manually and automatically,
	same results.

	If you have any ideas, please email me.
<please don't tell me to try the QUICS; I like to save the 
costly solutions (phone call to canada) for last:-) >

Michael G. Hart   hart@blackjack.dt.navy.mil /  mhart@dtrc.dt.navy.mil
DTRC/DoD			  |  "Wherever you go, there you are."- me
DISCLAIMER: If you want the Navy's opinion, talk to Secretary Cheney.