[comp.os.misc] QNX C compiler

hart@blackjack.dt.navy.mil (Michael Hart) (08/17/90)

Hi all you QNX'ers!
	As I've probably mentioned in the past, I'm starting
a project using QNX & QTERM to monitor a bunch of cpu consoles
from a pc.  Initially, I'll do it using the QTERM scripting
facility; however, I think I'd like to do it in C later.
	SO.  Does any one have a QNX C compiler that they'd like
to part with??  I'm not sure enough that I'm willing to pay $300
for a new copy, but I'd be amenable to buying a used copy.  I'd 
like to ask for a, say, 30 day loan, but ... I'M SURE I'D GET
but that's another story.)
	Failing either of the above options, would anyone care
to comment on any experiences they've had using the aforementioned
C compiler to do serial communications??  Are there any add on
libs available?
	Dick G., at Kodak has offered to send me a list of the
lib functions; please don't offer this, too.  If I can't find
a used compiler, I'll get the list from Dick.  (Thanx DG!)

	A repeat:  I'd like to get names and addresses of anyone
who would be willing to help with advice or answers regarding QNX.
Please reply, and I'll maintain a list.

	BTW, I'll be logging in to QUICS tonight or tomorrow, so
yes, I know about _that_ service.!!

Michael G. Hart   hart@blackjack.dt.navy.mil /  mhart@dtrc.dt.navy.mil
DTRC/DoD			  |  "Wherever you go, there you are."- me
DISCLAIMER: If you want the Navy's opinion, talk to Secretary Cheney.