[comp.os.misc] Help on multiply referenced i-node

gt1342a@prism.gatech.EDU (gt1342a gt1342a ) (02/07/91)

Hamid writes:
>	I have a problem with my Coherent tar. When I un-tared clam141.tar
>using original Coherent tar, my directory was messed up by multiply 
>referenced directory i-node. I know, I should use gtar instead of tar, but
>who know this will happen to me. My question is, how to delete or work 
>around this problem. I tried to remove the whole directories which have
>the same i-node, but still it won't work, my HD stop spinning when I tried
>this and it was time to reboot. Any idea on how to delete or remove it?

first of all, get everything useful and intact out of that directory NOW.
Then go into singleuser mode (shutdown) (you should be doing all of this
as root, duh) If you don't remember the number of the inode, run fsck  - it 
will tell you.  Use clri to clear the multiply referenced inode(s).   Then 
run fsck after using clri.   Follow the directions fsck gives you - you may
want to run it in trusted mode - i.e. say yes to everything it suggests.  It
will reboot, etc, and it may take two reboots to fix things, depending on how
messed up everything is.

This happened to me about four times before I found ustar and used it. I'll
never go back.  Question: why does MWC even INCLUDE such a crappy utility?
pax does a dandy job, so why reinvent the wheel (badly)?

Chuck LeDuc	gt1342a@hydra.gatech.edu   emory!stiatl!celd