[comp.os.misc] real-time references

bk@cs.brown.edu (Brian Knep) (02/13/91)

Here is a list of references I have compiled about real-time systems:


	Burns, A. and Wellings, A., _Real-Time Systems and Their 
	Programming Languages_, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1990.

	Northcutt, B.J., _Reliable Distributed Real-time Operating Systems:
	The Aplha Kernel_, Academic Press, Inc., 1987.


	Real-Time Mach: Towards a Predictable Real-Time System
        Hideyuki Tokuda, Tatsuo Nakajima and Prithvi Rao
	Proceedings of the Usenix Mach Conference, October 1990

	For more, mail to: prithvi@GAUGUIN.ART.CS.CMU.EDU (Prithvi Rao)

	Papers available via anonymous ftp at cse.ogi.edu ( in
	directory pub/chorus-reports.  The one that seems the most relevant

	M. Guillemont "Real Time in a Distributed Computing Environment"
	Computer Technology Review


	IEEE tuturial entitled _Hard Real-Time Systems_

	Stankovic, "Misconceptions of Real-Time Systems", IEEE Computer
	Magazine, October 1988.	

	There is a journal entitled "Real-Time Systems" whose editor in chief
	is Stankovic at UMass (stankovic@cs.umass.edu).  He will send you an
	order form if you are interested.

	Proceedings from the Real-Time Systems Symposium

        1990 SIGOPS Newsletters

Many thanks to those who responded to my original posting.
