(Lar Kaufman) (02/28/91)
The request for discussion period for comp.os.coherent has ended. Only one item was in any way controversial - the name of the group. It was suggested that the group should be named comp.unix.coherent. This suggestion is not adopted because (1) Coherent is not Unix, having been independently developed, and (2) the proposed group name, comp.os.coherent, is consistent with the existing hierarchy of comp newsgroups. It is beyond the scope of the proposal to revise the hierarchy. Accordingly, this call for votes is for an unmoderated newsgroup named comp.os.coherent. The purpose of the group is to discuss and support the Coherent operating system and related topics. Coherent currently resembles Unix Version 7, and is ported to ISA-architecture 80286- and 80386-based computers. The voting period shall extend from the time of posting of this article until 11 PM GMT of March 27, 1991. Only votes received by me ( before this deadline will be counted. HOW TO VOTE: The reliable way to vote is to send email to me, Lar Kaufman, at this address: Posted votes cannot be counted; you must send mail to me. The vote applies only to the specific proposal to form comp.os.coherent, and will not apply to any other proposal. The vote must be explicit and unambiguous. I favor the form "I vote for comp.os.coherent as proposed" or "I vote against comp.os.coherent as proposed". Please keep any further comments to a minimum. I will be pleased to hear other remarks in a separate message. Thank you for your interest. Lar Kaufman I would feel more optimistic about a bright future (voice) 512-794-9070 for man if he spent less time proving that he can (fax) 512-794-0623 outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority. - E.B. White