(Scott M. Rose) (03/13/91)
Coherent Digest Vol. 91.1, No. 19 Tue Mar 12 14:24:16 CST 1991 Today's Topics: piggy Type of modem, /etc/modemcap, L-devices Ramblings & TTYS uucp and otherness modemcap and L.devices All sorts of stuff... UUCP more UUCP com1l Administrivia: The Coherent Digest is a forum for discussion of the MWC Coherent 3.x operating system. Send submissions to "" and administrivia to "". Previous issues are archived for anonymous FTP access on in the directory "pub/coherent/mail-list". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 08:05:49 CST From: To: coherent Subject: piggy Subject: piggy Thanks for the dmake, Scott! I got in at 7:30 this morning and put libcurses.a in /pub/incoming. When I finally got my UUCP to work (it was a combination of modemcap problems and a missing expect word: in L.sys) I got libc310a.a.Z (I think that's what it was called...) down. I played with it - uncompressed and untarred it. I also got menu.Z and dtree.tar.Z, and I played with them and moved menu.Z to a subdirectory. Then I turned my machine off and went away. When I came back the next day, the files were gone!!! (except menu which was in a subdirectory of /tmp) Yes, the default place to put downloaded files, /tmp, is also a path that is totally cleared by rc. @#$%#$%^ was something like what I thought. Just a warning, change the location of downloaded files from UUCP in Permissions. Anyway, I did it again, dtree, but I didn't get libcurses again, so the text file that came in the compressed tar got lost. It was about 5 lines and told what the changes to libcureses were. dtree.tar.Z, libcurses.a and libcurses.a.Z (Compressed on my PC at work with COMP43B.) are all in /pub/incoming. If anyone has trouble getting them or using them, let me know. Gerry Gerald Skerbitz University of Minnesota 612/626-5379 g-sker.uminn1.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 10:07:37 -0500 From: (Frank Chen) To: coherent Subject: Type of modem, /etc/modemcap, L-devices Anyone know which file contains the type of modem used in your system. When I install the system, I specified that 2400 bps Hayes compatible modem. But I can not find that entry. All the manuals I read(Coherent, Ultrix manual, Unix system admin. handbook) use the uucp to manage the modems. So the answer should be that 'L-devices' contains the type of modem I use. But, first, the file /usr/lib/uucp/L-devices is not been modified and does not contains the type I specified. Second, what if I don't want to setup uucp, I just want to use kermit or other communication programs for remote access? Thanks! - -Frank Chen ------------------------------ Date: 11 Mar 91 09:43:58 EST From: Stephane Doucet <73207.1247@CompuServe.COM> To: <coherent> Subject: Ramblings & TTYS Pred, The entry I use in my TTYS file looks like what follows: 1lcom1r This is for an internal modem on com1 that is enabled for logins. You were saying that your drive goes crazy? Are you certain you didn't set up your COM port to be polled? Mine isn't set up to be polled. Other ramblings for questions: 1. The question about the LOGOUT, LOGOFF, etc command still stands. A file named LOGOFF and containing the line STTY 0 works fine when CHMOD +x LOGOFF is done to it. That command hangs up a phone line. It doesn't work on a locally attached terminal through a null modem. With that KILL -9 0 works but every 4th or 5th time the new login prompt comes back at about 30 baud instead of 9600 baud and the line gets locked up. The only thing that resets it is to get online by dial-in or on the console and disabling and then re-enabling the line. Any other suggestions for that? Whats causing the sudden drop in speed? Now that I got it working for dial-ins thats ok. 2. UUCP: I followed the release notes for 3.1 yesterday. Everything went fine. The modem dialed out. MWC answered. But didn't give anything else. Finally UUCP gave up, hung up, and re-enabled my COM port. Question: Does UUCP change any modem settings when dialing? Dial-ins were fuzzy after that try out. Also the message got was 'UNABLE TO READ FIRST MESSAGE' What does that mean? I tried manually dialing the number and couldn't get any sort of prompt from the MWCBBS. Was it just me? 3. Dialing in is a pain. How do you get the delete to work? Backspace? I seem to have found <ctrl-H> in dial-ins but on locally attached terminal it doesn't deletes but the characted gets sent anyhow. Any help? 4. A good way to kill your session? Try running full-screen apps from dial-ins and locally attached terms. Also <ctrl-D> from root account on a local term. *BOOM* :) Laterness... - -Stephane ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 11:05:42 CST From: To: coherent Subject: uucp and otherness Subject: uucp and otherness 1. UUCP UUCP appears to read /etc/modemcap to determine what to do with the modem BEFORE it does anything else. It initializes and sets the baud rate and dials. I guess the dial is based on the entry in L.sys. Before it dials, it disables the entry in L-Devices under remote (I think it's the second field) and enables the entry under line. That's how you can use the same line to dial out and dial in. The LAST field in L-Devices is the modem type, and yes you will have to mess with this. It might be easier to use uuinstall, but some people have had trouble with that one. It looks nicer though. I had some trouble that gave me "incorrect second message" which I traced to a missing "word:" expect field in L.sys so I'd guess that "unable to read first message" means it didn't even get the login: prompt. When I dialed into MWCBBS directly I got three prompts. a login: prompt, a password: prompt, and a BBS Password: prompt. The first answer should be nuucp, the second public, and the third your coherent serial number. 2. More UUCP Could someone give me the information needed to make UUCP work as a dial-in function? Do you specify UUCP as the shell in /etc/passwd? "or what?" The documentation only talks about dialing out, but someone on the board implied that they used it for others to dial in. 3. Kermit I use Kermit to dial out regularily, and it dials and connects fine. (not Coherent's kermit, the one on piggy and mwcbbs). Can someone tell me where I should look in the source code to make my hayes modem dial tone instead of pulse? You don't need to set anything up with UUCP to make Kermit work. 4. Dialing in and connecting. I'm not sure what you're dialing in and connecting with, but when I dial in using Kermit on a PC with the keyboard configured as a VT100, the backspace keys work fine. I have to remember to set TERM-vt100, and full-screen apps (elvis) work just fine too. I have a terminal attached to the system too. It's a tvi925 clone, and if I forget to set TERM-tvi925 when I go into elvis, it makes the terminal freak and go local. Then when I get it back to online it takes a bit of fiddling to get out of the application and back on track. 5. SCREEN I've asked this before, and gotten no answer. Has ANYONE out there compiled and run the Screen program on piggy. If not, why is it there? If so, do you have any hints about compiling it and getting it to run? It wants a library called NLIST.A if I remember right......?????? enough rambling more later. Gerry :-)> Gerald Skerbitz University of Minnesota 612/626-5379 g-sker.uminn1.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: 11 Mar 91 12:13:23 EST From: Stephane Doucet <73207.1247@CompuServe.COM> To: <coherent> Subject: modemcap and L.devices Frank, The file modemcap will contain a definition of some sample modems. The Hayes 1200 is one of those. You can easily modify the entry for it with an editor. But I never touched it myself and Kermit always ran fine. It's just when UUCP tried to access the modem it told me that the baud-rate was wrong. One look at modemcap told me that the hayes entry was for 1200. I changed that and UUCP dialed out fine. Good luck, Stephane ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 21:43:47 -0500 From: jwall@hub.cs.JMU.EDU (jay wall) To: coherent Subject: All sorts of stuff... Greetings all! To those of you who have had problems with screen; I don't understand. I use it occassionally, and it seems to work fine. To Mike Sherwood: Are you sure the uucico process is exiting before you get another remote login? If not, this may be the problem of only accepting every other remote login. To g-sker and anyone else: When I login to my university's VAX 11/785; when I tell it that I'm a VT-100, how do I know what the keyboard mappings are for my IBM (clone) enhanced keyboard? If anyone has this info, can you please enlighten me. Thank you. And finally to grante@hydro.etc...: Have you found anything out about the porting of MGR? If you do, I am quite interested. Listen people (this is to everybody), I do a lot of image processing work, and would like to use Coherent as my primary OS (when the 386 version comes out), but as far as the graphics capability goes, I can't. I would like to begin embarking on developing graphics capability for Coherent. Anyone who is interested in getting together and writing software, let me know. My first project will be (if all goes well...) writing a VGA driver (both generic, and enhanced for my ATI VGAWonder). If y'all interested, you know where to find me... Take care! ------------------------------ Date: 11 Mar 91 21:21:25 EST From: Stephane Doucet <73207.1247@CompuServe.COM> To: <coherent> Subject: UUCP word: sh*t. I called MWC and asked for help since when I dial that bloody number all I get is alot of nothing. Sure...a modem picks up and answers but after that no amount of <ctrl-C>'s, <ENTER>'s, or any combination of anything will get me some sort of prompt. But the dial-out feature of the modem works else would I send this? I'm I doing anything right? I figured since UUCP was not able to connect then I should try interactively...nothing. What confuses me tho is the UUCP message: Dial failed, ACU Problem. Modem say 0^M10^M^^^^ I know 0 is a result code for OK but what about 10? Interactive and UUCICO in debug mode don't bring me back that strange stuff? - -Stephane P.S. Someone was telling me about a modem that got its lights in a bundle and the hard drive went wacko when he enabled the line? Well that is because your modem is in ECHO mode. Set it off with AT E0 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 09:31:12 CST From: To: coherent Subject: more UUCP Stephane, Yes, I got the ACU Problem message a LOT!. If UUCP is reading modemcap, and I'm given to believe it does, it tells the system to wait for CONNECT - (Hayes) - that means you can't have numeric result codes. I agree with your profane opinion of the UUCP setup. It really shouldn't be so hard, and you SHOULD be able to do a manual dial and punch the keys and watch it happen - it's very frustrating. I will say though, that when I did a manual dial I got the Login and other prompts. Does anyone else NOT get any prompt on a manual dial to MWCBBS? Maybe there's a speed problem or a modem compatibility problem? Good luck and keep us posted. Gerry Gerald Skerbitz University of Minnesota 612/626-5379 g-sker.uminn1.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 15:13:03 EST From: (Patrick Quairoli) To: coherent (coherent list) Subject: com1l We have just installed coherent on a 286 dtk pc. We haven't had any major problems except with the com1l driver. We were able to connect a vt100 to com1 one night then we connected the pc to a sun sparc. After this we have not been able to get com1l to work. We have reconnected the vt100 but we can't get a login prompt. The ttys and the buad rate are fine.... does anyone have any ideas? _ ____________________________________________________________________________ pq | Why use vi when there's Emacs? patrick quairoli | Why use AT&T when there's gnu? | ORQ-"Experience to Extremes" - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of Coherent Digest Vol. 91.1, No. 19 **************************************** -- Scott Rose (608) 238-3801