[comp.os.misc] Coherent Digest Vol. 91.1, No. 22

rose@galtee.cs.wisc.edu (Scott M. Rose) (03/19/91)

Coherent Digest Vol. 91.1, No. 22      Mon Mar 18 16:35:37 CST 1991

Today's Topics:

   Re: UUCP revisited
   re: line noise for dial-ins
   UUCP (uuxqt)
   IDE - how do I get COHERENT OFF ???
   Image Analysis software on Coherent?
   modemcap question answered
   Can modemcap include AT M0?
   Line noise
   How to make dmake.


  The Coherent Digest is a forum for discussion of the MWC Coherent 3.x 
  operating system.  Send submissions to "coherent@cs.wisc.edu" and 
  administrivia to "coherent-reqeust@cs.wisc.edu".  Previous issues are 
  archived for anonymous FTP access on piggy.ucsb.edu in the directory


Date:  Fri, 15 Mar 91 13:25:13 -0500
From: Sam Shim <shim@zip.eecs.umich.edu>
To: chench@rrdstrad.nist.gov
Cc: coherent
Subject: Re: UUCP revisited

> 	***WARNING*** I don't think /usr/bin/modeminit works reliably.

> 	1. After change to DEV=/dev/com2l and change the line
> 	   ': /usr/bin/modeminit' to '/usr/bin/modeminit' in /etc/rc
> 	   The modem answers. However, there are no prompt for modem port
> 	   or console. Later I find out that during the execution of /etc/init
> 	   there is a core dump when reading the file /etc/ttys.
> 	   Take out '/usr/bin/modeminit' in /etc/rc, everything is O.K.
> 	   running modeminit either in root or sigle user mode does not 
> 	   create core dump. But the modem won't even answer.

I've a lot of trouble with /usr/bin/modeminit also.  If I have /etc/rc call
/usr/bin/modeminit, I get a core dump and my computer hangs.  But, if I
comment out the call to /usr/bin/modeminit, Coherent boots up fine.  Then,
I would log in as root and run /usr/bin/modeminit, which works fine without
any problems.  I can see the terminal ready modem light blink on, and I can
log in.  But I call /usr/bin/modeminit from /etc/rc (or if I put the commands
from /usr/bin/modeminit into /etc/rc), the terminal ready light does not
turn on.  I've tried disabling the port then calling /usr/bin/modeminit,
enabling the port then calling /usr/bin/modeminit, and many different
modifications to /usr/bin/modeminit but to no avail.  I can see my modem
receiving the initialization data, but the /etc/enable command does not
turn my terminal ready light on.  I would guess that this is why my computer
is hanging.  Possibly a bug in Coherent or an compatibility problem.  Does
anyone have any suggestions?

- -Sam-


Date: 15 Mar 91 13:04:38
From: norm@mwc.com (Norman Bartek)
To: cohmail@uunet.UU.NET
Subject: re: line noise for dial-ins

> After I can dial-in to my Coherent box at home. Some line noise(how to
> fix this? 

This is caused by your login shell receiving a quote character. Everything
after the quote until another quote is taken as part of the same input line.
Type a control-C (or whatever your interrupt character is) to cause the shell
to abort the current input line.


Date: 15 Mar 91 15:13:34 EST
From: Stephane Doucet <73207.1247@CompuServe.COM>
To: <coherent>
Subject: modeminit

HI all,
     I don't use modeminit so I have no solutions. After I fought with it
for a while I gave up and decided to configure the modem through Kermit
and have it save those settings in the firmware so that everytime I had
to reboot the box it was always correctly set. There hasn't been a problem
that way since. I login reliably all the time and UUCP works fine too so
I'm ok. I would suggest to set the modem with kermit and write them down
somewhere....as long as the modem is powered up it should keep those
settings, right? 

- -Stephane


Date: Fri, 15 Mar 91 22:14:30 -0500
From: jwall@hub.cs.JMU.EDU (jay wall)
To: coherent
Subject: UUCP (uuxqt)

Help!  I replaced my uuxqt with the uuzqt.310b off of mwcbbs.  Now, when I
receive mail, uuxqt never executes my X. files and tells me I have any-
thing.  My mail is staying in /usr/spool/uucp/<sitename>.  Does anyone have
any ideas on this???  It is driving me crazy, and I can't figure out why
uuxqt is not doing its job.  If I invoke it manually, it works.  Otherwise,
I would never know if I had mail or not.  Sorry for the bad grammar, but
I'm desperate!  Things worked before, but after I hooked up to another site,
I began getting 'Can't open log file' errors (which is supposed to happen
under the old version, but never did when I just polled mwc).  What should
I do guys?  Please, somebody help me before my computer goes sailing out
the window...


Date: Fri, 15 Mar 91 23:42:25 -0500
From: yahn@midget.towson.edu (Jan Zawadzki)
To: mwc!norm@uunet.uu.net
Cc: coherent
Subject: IDE - how do I get COHERENT OFF ???

A simple question: I have installed Coherent on my system (286+ 40M IDE) without
any problems, however, I am now trying to sell the drive and upgrade to an 80M.
I have not been able to remove the Coherent master boot from the drive...  Could
you tell me (us, presumably) just how to do it?


Jan C. Zawadzki


Date: 15 Mar 91 18:45:21 
From: root%trystro.uucp@Think.COM (Richard Nickle)
To: coherent
Subject: Re: 

For Mr. Harlan:

- -rw-------  1 uucp       uucp           233 Sun Mar 10 13:15 L-devices
- -rw-------  1 uucp       uucp           983 Sat Mar  2 09:59 L.sys
- -rw-------  1 uucp       uucp          2037 Tue Mar 12 19:24 Permissions
- -rw-r--r--  1 root       root           918 Thu Mar 14 21:55 paths
- -r-s--s--x  1 uucp       uucp         47088 Fri Jan  4 04:05 uucico
- -r-s--s--x  1 uucp       uucp         47100 Tue Oct 23  1990 uucico.300
- -r-s--s--x  1 uucp       uucp          7688 Thu Apr  5  1990 uumkdir
- -r-x--x--x  1 uucp       uucp           874 Wed Feb 20 01:03 uumvlog
- -r-s--s--x  1 uucp       uucp            92 Thu Apr  5  1990 uurmlock
- -r-s--s--x  1 uucp       uucp          6176 Thu Apr  5  1990 uutouch
- -r-xr-xr-x  1 uucp       uucp           399 Sun Nov  4  1990 uutrimlog
- -r-s--s--x  1 uucp       uucp         17054 Wed Dec  5  1990 uuxqt
- -r-x--x--x  1 uucp       uucp         16294 Thu Apr  5  1990 uuxqt.300

Keep all uucp executables running as set[ug]id uucp (chmod 6511 for the
objects, 6555 for the scripts, although I just left my scripts alone)

All uucp spool directories and lib directories should also be owned
and grouped to uucp.

A good way to debug (although not very much fun) is to setup your
/usr/lib/crontab (or if you don't automate uucp, some kind of script)
to put stderr to a file so you can find out what went wrong.

Hope this helps,



Date: Sat, 16 Mar 91 10:26:14 -0500
From: jwall@hub.cs.JMU.EDU (jay wall)
To: coherent
Subject: uuxqt

Well, chmod 6511 did the trick.  It seems that if you do a chmod u=rs,g=s,o=x
then you get -r-S  S--x, or something like that.  Where did the capital Ss
come from?   That's pretty weird.  Well, I m going to send myself a mail
message and see if it really works.  When I changed permissions, the mail
that was in the /usr/spool/uucp/<sitename> directory all of a sudden came to
life, so I guess this fix worked.  Now for the real test.  I keep you all
posted.  BTW, do any of you get bounced mail when you send to coherent@cs.wisc.
edu?  I get like three bounced messages every time.  But, I know y'all gettin'
them, cause you answer my questions.  Anyway, thanks for the help.  Harlan,
I think this is the solution.  If not, you guys will hear from me real soon!


Date: Sat, 16 Mar 91 11:43:05 -0500
From: jwall@hub.cs.JMU.EDU (jay wall)
To: coherent
Subject: dmake

I am having problems mking dmake.  Can anyone give me some pointers on what
to do.  There is no readme file for Coherent.  BTW, uuxqt works!  Thanks


Date: Sat, 16 Mar 91 23:38:55 PST
From: 6500boo%ucsbuxa@hub.ucsb.edu (William Bushing)
To: coherent
Subject: Image Analysis software on Coherent?

I'm thinking of purchasing Coherent for my 33 MHz 386.

Anyone out there know what image processing software, especially
satellite image analysis software, has been successfully ported
to Coherent?


William W. (Boo) Bushing  |  "Life is too important to be
6500boo@ucsbuxa.bitnet    |       taken seriously"
6500boo@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu  |            - Einstein
Marine Biotechnology Lab   Univ. of Calif. Santa Barbara

Date: 17 Mar 91 14:14:52
From: harlan!jbh@uunet.UU.NET (John B Harlan)
To: Coherent-Internet@uunet.UU.NET
Subject: modemcap question answered

     No sooner have I asked the modemcap question than Phil Corporon and I
have answered it ourselves with a little experimentation:  is=ATM0 ...
in the modemcap entry *does* silence the modem.  It works like a dream  :-)

 +                                                                      +
   John                           B                              Harlan

   Harlan                Network     jbh@harlan.com            Internet
   125 West Marion Street    529     harlan!jbh@UUNet.UU.Net   Internet
   South Bend Indiana 46601 1096     harlan!jbh                   UUNet
   U             S             A     219 289 1096           voice/modem
 +                                                                      +


Date: 17 Mar 91 11:40:36
From: harlan!jbh@uunet.UU.NET (John B Harlan)
To: Coherent-Internet@uunet.UU.NET
Cc: Coherent@uunet.UU.NET
Subject: Can modemcap include AT M0?

     If I don't want to hear my modem dialing out to poll remote sites in
the middle of night, can I edit the modemcap entry to include the Hayes
command AT M0 ?  And if so, would I include it in the is= field?  Has 
anyone else out there tried this?  


Date: Fri, 15 Mar 91 17:14:18 CST
From: rosevax.rosemount.com!grante%rutgers.UUCP@spool.cs.wisc.edu (Grant B. Edwards)
To: coherent@spool.cs.wisc.edu
Subject: Line noise

I recently bought a 2400 baud modem with MNP-5 error correction and
data compression.  Highly recommended if you have problems with noise
- -- of course it only works if both ends are MNP modems.



Date: Mon, 18 Mar 91 09:21:24 CST
From: rosevax.rosemount.com!grante%rutgers.UUCP@spool.cs.wisc.edu (Grant B. Edwards)
To: coherent@spool.cs.wisc.edu
Subject: How to make dmake.

Sorry about the confusion, I forgot to add a line to the _install file
showing the command to build dmake for coherent.  In the direcotry
"dmake" (the one immediately above the unix directory) type:

$ make coherent

That will run a shell script to build dmake.  Once it is built, you
can use dmake to rebuild itself by setting the environment variables


and then in that same directory typing:

$ dmake

Also, take a look at the file _install and follow all of the
directions that pertain to unix systems.  I _think_ that the archive
included the executable in the main directory (file name dmake, size
81920, mode 755).  If you are happy with the location of configuration
files etc, then you should be able to use it as is.

Let me know if you have any problems let me know -- I'll a line to the
_install file for coherent.

                                  Grant Edwards
Rosemount Inc, CB7                                            He who dies with
12001 Technology Drive      grante@hydro.rosemount.com        the most manuals
Eden Prairie, MN  55344     uunet!rosevax!hydro!grante        wins.


End of Coherent Digest Vol. 91.1, No. 22

	Scott Rose
	(608) 238-3801