[comp.os.misc] Regular UUCP-Polling with cron doesn't work

joachim@orfeo.radig.de (Joachim Riedel) (03/21/91)

Since my hard disk with Interactive 386/ix crashed (not Interactive,
still the hard disk) I had to use Coherent for mail.
Now I use smail 2.5 (same aliases-File as my sendmail!) and WMAIL 3.63
for mail but still have problems when I want to poll automated with cron.
The daemon is running, other programs are invoked by cron so it really
works. But uucico and uutouch didn't. I used the sample line as provided
by MWC. I tried the examples in the manual, I looked for the permissions
and and ....
But I had no luck.
SO I hope for your help.

