[comp.os.cpm] DRACO ARC files - CP/M UNARC problem

W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Keith Petersen) (11/18/86)

> When I attempt to extract the contents of the DRACO ARC files in
> pd:<cpm.draco> using the program pd:<cpm.starter-kit>unarc.com-z80,
> I get:

> 	Extracted File Has Incorrect CRC
> 	Extracted File Has Incorrect Length

> on a number of files.  Is there a program which properly unarcs these
> files, or are the files themselves corrupt?  An example is the first
> file (BIGDRACO.COM I think) on DRACO-2.ARC.

The problem shows up on DRACO-2.ARC and DRACO-3.ARC.  Both ARCs
extract perfectly with the MSDOS ARC512.EXE or PKXARC.COM programs.

I have notified the author of the CP/M UNARC program, Bob Freed.  He's
going to look into a fix.  It's somewhere in the UNcrunch routine.
I'll keep you posted on his progress.

Hang on to your DRACO ARCs.  They ARE good.
