joeloda@aicchi.UUCP (12/30/86)
I have a small problem. Small floppies, that is. I have a number of large files on my hard disk, and would like to back them up on floppies . Apple 5.25 floppies only hold 126k; what do I do with these 180k .LBR's? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Also, if anyone knows of a backup/restore utility that will split files, please mail back. I posted that question about a month ago, and didn't receive one reply. Hard to beleive I'm the only person with this problem. Thanks in advance. Happy New Year! Joe. -- Joe Loda Analysts International (Chicago Branch) Usenet: ..!ihnp4!aicchi!joeloda CIS: 75726,1641 BIX: jloda GEnie: j.loda