I have uploaded to SIMTEL20: Filename Type Bytes CRC Directory PD:<MISC.IBM-VM> ARCBOOT.EXE.1 BINARY 35328 3D00H ARCUTIL.LBR.1 BINARY 60672 3312H Name: ARCBOOT.EXE Date: 26-Feb-87 Keywords: IBM,host,VM/SP,ARCUTIL,bootstrap Description: This IBM VM/SP exec file plus ARCUTIL.LBR, preferrably in uuencoded form) are all you need to install ARCUTIL on your host without doing any member extractions on your CP/M machine. (A copy of ARCBOOT.EXE is in the .LBR also if you want to extract it rather than download this, too.) To use, rename this file to be ARCBOOT EXEC, then run it. Name: ARCUTIL.LBR Date: 26-Feb-87 Keywords: IBM,host,VM/SP,library,sweep,arc,squeeze,crunch Description: IBM VM/SP host utility. ARCUTIL has sweep, unarc, unsqueeze, uncrunch, uuencode, uudecode functions and supports ASCII -> EBCDIC translation. Very useful for using your host to print documentation, break apart libraries, etc. JSFisher