[comp.os.cpm] Toshiba T-100 file transfer protocols

mihalo@chinet.UUCP (03/29/87)

I'm looking for a version of Kermit that will run on the CP/M 2.2 operating
system used by the Toshiba T-100.  Toshiba sold about 3,000 of these machines
during 1982-1983.  The serial i/o port on this machine differs from many
of the other CP/M machines still in existence. I've tried running Generic
CP/M Kermit on the T-100, but had no results.

If anybody knows of a successful implementation of Kermit on a T-100, I'd
appreciate the information.  

The problem that I've experienced concerns the design of the T-100. The 
machine originally cost $800, but was shipped with no detailed descriptions
of the computer. Toshiba offered to sell some users an advanced technical
manual for the T-100, but they wanted to charge $250!

Toshiba sold a communication program with the T100. The program was
called WhizLink and had a number of bugs. I've been unable to get this
program to transfer files over Telenet. WhizLink was based on the
xmodem protocol for transferring files.

If you have any information about transferring files using the Kermit
or xmodem protocols with the Toshiba T100 please contact me.

William E. Mihalo
ihnp4!chinet!mihalo (uucp address)