As I'm sure those of you on Bitnet have figured out by now, digest distribution to you is being handled by a list-server to cut down on the network traffic through the Wisconsin gateway. If you care, it is an FREPC11-style LISTSERV machine. At any rate, for most of you the list-server does not know your name, so the mail you receive says 'To: "(no name)" <user@node>'. You may change that by sending the command SUBSCRIBE DIST-CPM your real name -or- SUBSCRIBE DIST-MDM your real name (for the Info-CPM and Info-Modems lists, respectively) to LISTSERV@RPICICGE. The command can be sent either as a RFC822 mail file or as an interactive message. (For VM systems, interactive messages can be sent with the TELL command as in TELL LISTSERV AT RPICICGE SUBSCRIBE DIST-CPM John S. Fisher Similar commands exist for MVS and JNET sites. I don't know about the others.) Users with userids longer than eight characters (eg VAX) MUST use the mail approach since interactive messages carry the userid truncated to eight. The list-server is a littly picky about names; "your real name" must include at least two tokens. Just first names or just last names are rejected. If you have any problems related to the list-server, please direct them to me for fastest response. (Carbon-copy to INFO-xxx-REQUEST is probably a reasonable thing to do, also....) And last: DO NOT SEND ANY CORRESPONDENCE TO EITHER dist-cpm OR dist-mdm. Continue to use the INFO-xxx addresses in Arpanet. Regards, JSFisher FISHER@RPICICGE