hanscom@lll-es-s05 (Roger Hanscom 423-0441) (04/23/87)
<<From: elsaesser%mwcamis@mitre.ARPA>> <<Subject: full screen editor for osborne executive>> << >> <<-------->> <<Does anyone know of a full screen editor for the Osborne>> <<Executive (Cpm 3.0)? an emacs would do just fine.>> I don't know much about the Osborne Exec., but there is a version of Micro-EMACS available through the C-Users' Group (McPherson, Kansas). They sell both the C sources and an MS-DOS .EXE on two MS-DOS formatted diskettes for a few dollars per disk. The price is right, and it might not take too much to get it running with CP/M 3.0, if you had an editor to edit the C ..............