[comp.os.cpm] New files uploaded to SIMTEL20 during July

W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA (Keith Petersen) (08/08/87)

The following is a complete list of CP/M-oriented files uploaded to
SIMTEL20 during the month of July, 1987.  The numbers following
the filenames are the file size in bytes followed by the file format.
(7) means ASCII, (8) means binary.

For a complete list of all CP/M files, see:
   PD:<CPM>CPM.CRCLST - Complete list with CRC values
   PD:<CPM>CPM.ARC    - The above, ARChived (much smaller), binary(8).
   PD:<CPM>FILES.DIR  - Abbreviated list with only directory and file names
   PD:<CPM>FILES.IDX  - Similar to below, no descriptions, comma delimited

There is currently no complete listing of all files, with descriptions.
That is in the process of being created and will be announced when
available.  In the meantime, see PD:<CPM.FILEDOCS>CPMAUG01.LST (ascii)
or CPMAUG01.LZT (crunched) which is a complete listing of all CP/M
files on GEnie, each with a one-line description.  Since SIMTEL20 and
GEnie have many of the same files, this will be a very useful listing.
It is updated monthly.

Note: to save space in the following listing, the device name PD: which
normally appears ahead of the directory name has been omitted.

<CPM.APPLE>AP40TRK.LBR        14336(8)  40 tracks for Apple w/Applicard
<CPM.APPLE>AP40TRK.TZT          768(8)  40 tracks for Apple w/Softcard
<CPM.APPLE>APLCPMLG.7Z7       15104(8)  7/87 Apple CP/M Files w/long desc.
<CPM.APPLE>PCPI-UG.1Z1         1920(8)  Applicard Newsletter #101 (#1)
<CPM.APPLE>PCPIDBII.FIX        1161(7)  Fixes DBII and Applicard problem
<CPM.APPLE>PCPIGRF2.LBR       58624(8)  Applicard DHR Graphics, v2
<CPM.APPLE>PCPIMMII.LBR        3200(8)  Applicard/MicroModem II Set-Up
<CPM.APPLE>PCPIUNI.LBR        24320(8)  Applicard .DVR for UDC and 3.5/800K

<CPM.ARC-LBR>LT21CONF.LBR      7168(8)  LT21 configured for "normal" user
<CPM.ARC-LBR>LT22.LBR         39424(8)  File typer/extractor/decompressor

<CPM.ASMUTL>DLNKLOC2.LBR      52352(8)  Disk based linker and loader
<CPM.ASMUTL>M80-L80.LBR        9600(8)  Answer to macro assembler questions
<CPM.ASMUTL>M80DATE.LBR       12288(8)  Current Date/Time in M80 lists
<CPM.ASMUTL>ZM3P.LBR          31616(8)  Assembler for Zilog source

<CPM.BASIC>AIRMILES.BZS        8448(8)  Calculate city-to-city airmiles
<CPM.BASIC>ALIEN.LBR           8704(8)  Space game with graphics
<CPM.BASIC>ASTRNMY2.BZS        3072(8)  Astronomy Related programs
<CPM.BASIC>ATTEN.BZS           1536(8)  T, Pi, MinLoss Attenuator Design
<CPM.BASIC>DEPREC.BZS          1408(8)  A depreciation analysis program
<CPM.BASIC>HURRICPM.BZS        4224(8)  Track hurricanes!!
<CPM.BASIC>JUMBLE12.LBR        2944(8)  Do "JUMBLE" puzzles in newspapers
<CPM.BASIC>LOG10K.BZS           896(8)  Elkin's Log 10000! Benchmark
<CPM.BASIC>MILLION.BZS         4864(8)  Become a millionaire in MBASIC
<CPM.BASIC>RACE2.LBR           1792(8)  Calculate car race track times

<CPM.BBS>BBS-LAW.LZT          15616(8)  BBS-related laws of several states
<CPM.BBS>CITADEL.LBR         171520(8)  Multi-room bulletin board system
<CPM.BBS>LTR2FCC2.ARK         21888(8)  Info/form letter on FCC rule change
<CPM.BBS>PICS-FIX.001           805(7)  Fix to PICS 1.6
<CPM.BBS>VANFEES2.TZT         14592(8)  Official FCC text on modem fees

<CPM.BBSLISTS>RCPM0887.LZT    36864(8)  Remote CP/M system phone list, Aug
<CPM.BBSLISTS>SOCAL041.LZT    21760(8)  Southern California BBS list

<CPM.C128>BYE-ON.1Z8           2944(8)  Setting up an RCP/M-BBS on a C-128
<CPM.C128>MEXHELP.DZC          4352(8)  A short tutorial on MEX.COM
<CPM.C128>PIP-HELP.TZT         2560(8)  Help with C128 CP/M PIP command
<CPM.C128>RAMPAK.ARK         135552(8)  C128 ramdisk utils with PROFILE.SUB
<CPM.C128>RAMPAK.DZC           4608(8)  Description of RAMPAK.ARK for C128
<CPM.C128>RAMPAKD.ARK         77568(8)  Documents for RAMPAK Utilities
<CPM.C128>SIGMV800.ARK       185216(8)  SIG/M C128 CP/M sampler disk #1
<CPM.C128>SIGMV801.ARK       198272(8)  SIG/M C128 CP/M sampler disk #2

<CPM.C>MFILE.LBR              12032(8)  Use many files concurrently in "C"

<CPM.CALCULATOR>ADM3RPN.LBR   29056(8)  Full-screen RPN calc for ADM-3
<CPM.CALCULATOR>CALC224.LBR   30976(8)  Interactive expression evaluator
<CPM.CALCULATOR>STACKALC.BZS   8960(8)  RPN Calculator in MTBasic

<CPM.CATLOG>LCAT20.LBR        56320(8)  Library Cataloging Utility ver 2.0

<CPM.CCP>EZALIAS3.LBR          9984(8)  Construct alias files for EZCPR

<CPM.CIS>PROTCISA.TZT          6784(8)  Specifications for CIS A protocol

<CPM.CPM3>SAPP15.LBR          13568(8)  Sort and pack CP/M Plus directory
<CPM.CPM3>U3-V11.LBR           2816(8)  CP/M+ utility recovers erased files
<CPM.CPM3>ZFILE3P.LBR         23168(8)  Scans user areas for file in CP/M+

<CPM.DATABASE>HANDYP10.LBR    74496(8)  dBaseII version of HANDY system
<CPM.DATABASE>KPHANDYP.LBR    74112(8)  HANDY+10 for Kaypros

<CPM.DBASEII>CMDGEN.LBR        9600(8)  Generate dBase Command files
<CPM.DBASEII>DB-GEN.LBR       18944(8)  Automatic Menu generator for dBase II
<CPM.DBASEII>DBHELP2.LBR      13184(8)  dBASEII on-line HELP command

<CPM.DIRUTL>DLQ.LBR            1280(8)  Deletes squeezed files after USQ
<CPM.DIRUTL>SAP60.LBR         18176(8)  Sort/pack CP/M disk directory
<CPM.DIRUTL>SD123.LBR         59520(8)  Super sorted directory utility
<CPM.DSKUTL>READ-PC.LBR       11392(8)  Read MS/PCDOS disks on CP/M
<CPM.DSKUTL>SCSIBOOT.LBR      11008(8)  Hooks for SCSI/PLUS bus interface

<CPM.EDUCATION>KIDMATH.LBR     2816(8)  Addition/subtraction tutor

<CPM.EPSON>ZCMD-QX.LBR         4480(8)  Install ZCMD on the Epson QX-10

<CPM.FILEDOCS>CPMAUG01.LST   135364(7)  CP/M PD software list Aug 1, 1987
<CPM.FILEDOCS>CPMAUG01.LZT    70400(8)  (same as above, but crunched)

<CPM.FILEDOCS>ROYALOAK.DZR    21120(8)  Listing of RCP/M RoyalOak directories

<CPM.FILUTL>FU-V13.LBR        48512(8)  Full screen binary file editor

<CPM.FORTH-83>BLKTOFTH.ARK    13312(8)  F83 .BLK to .TXT conversion
<CPM.FORTH-83>F83-20.MZN      15360(8)  Forth-83 Manual

<CPM.GENASM>AREA11.LBR        13568(8)  Search database for area code

<CPM.GENDOC>CAR-PROG.TZT       1792(8)  Choose language for next software
<CPM.GENDOC>DT42.TZT           3456(8)  New DT42 Computer from SemiDisk
<CPM.GENDOC>MSSCONV.TZT        3840(8)  Article about manuscript conventions
<CPM.GENDOC>PATCHIT.TZT       10240(8)  How to Patch a program file
<CPM.GENDOC>README.AZT         3328(8)  Discussion of "-READ.ME" tradition
<CPM.GENDOC>TV803FB1.LBR      18304(8)  Info about TeleVideo field bulletins

<CPM.GENIE>GENIE.IDX           4206(7)  Index of GEnie Bulletin Boards

<CPM.HAMRADIO>BEARING.BZS      1536(8)  A heading/distance program
<CPM.HAMRADIO>NOVICE1E.LBR    42112(8)  FCC NOVICE exam, video or printer

<CPM.IMP>I2RV-6.AZM            2560(8)  IMP Overlay - Racal-Vadic modems
<CPM.IMP>I2RY-1.AZM            7296(8)  IMP Overlay - Royal Alphatronics

<CPM.KAYPRO>KP-HOST.LBR      118400(8)  Files for remote system on Kaypro
<CPM.KAYPRO>KPCUR20.LBR        3072(8)  Set shape of Kaypro cursor
<CPM.KAYPRO>KPDD10.LBR         2432(8)  Directory utility for the Kaypro
<CPM.KAYPRO>KPIMP245.LBR      17664(8)  IMP 245 for Kayrpo with Avatex modem
<CPM.KAYPRO>KVIDTEX.LBR       32512(8)  Kaypro program - CIS Vidtex protocol
<CPM.KAYPRO>M100-KP.ARK       22016(8)  Kaypro <--> TRS100 file transfers

<CPM.LIST>BRFONTS.LBR         14336(8)  Fonts for Bradford printing program
<CPM.LIST>GEEFONT4.LBR        34560(8)  Fonts with MAKEFONT compiler

<CPM.MEX>MEXOVL09.LZT          4096(8)  Latest list of MEX overlays
<CPM.MEX>MXM-SM16.AZM          7040(8)  MEX overlay for the Hayes SmartModem
<CPM.MEX>MXT-AP31.AZM          3456(8)  MEXplus term overlay for Apple

<CPM.MODEM>HST9600.LBR        36864(8)  Info about Courier 9600 BPS modem
<CPM.MODEM>PCP-0787.LZT        8448(8)  BBS numbers accessible to PC Pursuit
<CPM.MODEM>PCP-TIPS.TZT        9472(8)  Tips for using PC Pursuit
<CPM.MODEM>THRUPUTS.DZC        1664(8)  Study of file transmission speeds

<CPM.RCPM>ZFILE3.LBR          21760(8)  Scans all drives/user area for file

<CPM.SB180>SWTIME.LBR         28928(8)  Software for "SmartWatch"

<CPM.SQUSQ>TYPEQZ17.LBR       45824(8)  TYPE utility with wildcard filenames

<CPM.SYSUTL>AMPROCLK.LBR       2944(8)  TurboModula - access to Ampro Clock
<CPM.SYSUTL>NO-SLOT.LBR       15744(8)  Set/display time on no-slot clock
<CPM.SYSUTL>RSX2.LBR          15616(8)  Add system calls to CP/M 2.2 system

<CPM.TERM>ASCII.LBR             640(8)  Program prints ASCII character set
<CPM.TERM>VIDTERM.LBR          5504(8)  Terminal attribute Info

<CPM.TURBOM2>FDUMP.LBR        17664(8)  File dump utility in TurboModula-2
<CPM.TURBOM2>LOG10K.MZD         768(8)  Elkin's Log 10000! Benchmark

<CPM.TURBOPAS>LOG10K.PZS        640(8)  Elkin's Log 10000! Benchmark
<CPM.TURBOPAS>TRANSFOR.PZS     1408(8)  Transformation of data in Turbo
<CPM.TURBOPAS>TURBWIN3.LBR    18816(8)  Window procedure for Turbo Pascal
<CPM.TURBOPAS>XLIST62.LBR     51968(8)  Cross-reference listing for Pascal

<CPM.TXTUTL>STRIPA76.LBR      17664(8)  Text file conversion tool
<CPM.TXTUTL>TXTCOM2.LBR        9856(8)  Converts ASCII text to COM files

<CPM.VDOEDIT>VDE-Z3.PZT        2432(8)  Patch to VDE for use with ZCPR
<CPM.VDOEDIT>VDE26.LBR        57984(8)  Full screen text editor/processor
<CPM.VDOEDIT>VDE26.UPD         1354(7)  Updated features of VDE26

<CPM.WSTAR>WS-MAIL.LBR         4992(8)  MailMerge for labels, envelopes
<CPM.WSTAR>WSSCRIPT.PZT        2560(8)  WordStar patch for super/subscript

<CPM.XEROX>ULTRA-XE.IZF        5120(8)  Info about Z280 board for Xerox

<CPM.Z280>ZADAPTER.IZF         6016(8)  Info about ZEDUX Z280/Z80 adapters
<CPM.Z280>ZDAM-100.DZC         3328(8)  Maintain directories and catalog
<CPM.Z280>ZEDUX280.LBR        26624(8)  A Z280 add-on card for CP/M systems
<CPM.Z280>ZNODE24.MZG          2688(8)  Message re Z280 Zilog/ZEDUX seminar

<CPM.Z8EDEBUG>Z8E14.LBR      163328(8)  Screen-oriented Z80 debugger

<CPM.ZCPR33>CMD11.LBR          4224(8)  Define/run command line in ZCPR3
<CPM.ZCPR33>COMIF10.LBR       28928(8)  "IF" testing for submit under ZCPR
<CPM.ZCPR33>FOR-NXT2.LBR      43136(8)  Perform command repeatedly
<CPM.ZCPR33>PTCAP12.LBR       51456(8)  Install new TCAP on PBBS systems
<CPM.ZCPR33>SD123-Z3.LBR      41216(8)  Super directory lister for ZCPR33
<CPM.ZCPR33>WS4ZCPR.TZT        1152(8)  ZCPR support for WordStar 4.0
<CPM.ZCPR33>Z3TCAP26.LBR      17408(8)  ZCPR3 terminal emulation program
<CPM.ZCPR33>ZMANAGER.LBR      27264(8)  Latest version of ZMANAGER

<MISC.BBS>BBS-LAW.LST         40266(7)  BBS-related laws of several states
<MISC.BBS>VANFEES2.TXT        33079(7)  Official FCC text on modem fees

<MISC.BBSLISTS>313BBS-9.LST   19036(7)  Areacode 313 Bulletin Board systems
<MISC.BBSLISTS>ABBS-13S.LST   12167(7)  List of BBS in Atlanta area -- June
<MISC.BBSLISTS>FUBBS87.APR    89694(7)  Phone numbers of all known BBS's
<MISC.BBSLISTS>LAWBBS.TXT     12057(7)  Bulletin boards for legal matters
<MISC.BBSLISTS>SOCAL041.LST   46702(7)  Southern California BBS list

<MISC.MICROEMACS>*.*  MicroEMACS version 3.8L (C language) now available as
                      individual files.  See <MSDOS.MEMACS>EM38LSRC.ARC
                      and EM38LDOC.ARC which are the same, but ARCed.

<MISC.MODEMS>2400MODEM.PROBLEMS  5220(7)  2400 baud modem compatibility info
<MISC.MODEMS>MICROCOM.MODEMS   2245(7)  Info about Microcom modems
<MISC.MODEMS>THRUPUTS.DOC      2755(7)  Study of file transmission speeds
<MISC.MODEMS>USRDEALS.MSG      1740(7)  Good deals-USR 2400/9600 baud modems
<MISC.MODEMS>WORLDLINK.MODEM   2718(7)  Info about the WorldLink modem

<MISC.PCPURSUIT>PCP-TIPS.TXT  19907(7)  Tips for using PC Pursuit

<MISC.PROTOCOLS>PROTCISA.TXT  14645(7)  Discription of CIS A protocol

--Keith Petersen
Uucp: {bellcore,decwrl,harvard,lll-crg,ucbvax,uw-beaver}!simtel20.arpa!w8sdz
GEnie: W8SDZ
RCP/M Royal Oak: 313-759-6569 - 300, 1200, 2400 (V.22bis) or 9600 (USR HST)